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Anxious, alarm'd, and aw'd by every frown, May I entreat the candour of the Town? You see me here by no unworthy art; My all I venture where I've fix'd my heart. Fondly ambitious of an honest fame, My humble labours your indulgence claim. I wish to hold no Right but by your choice, I'll trust my patent to the Publick Voice.

'Nay, Libby; yon's a natural sized waist hoo's nobbud small made, thaa sees, said the woman to whom the remark had been made. 'Well, aw'd ha' donned a bonnet on a Sunday. 'Yi; so would I. An' a married woman an' o' aw think hoo might be daycent. 'Yo're reet, lass; there is, an' no mistak'. 'Can hoo play th' pianer, thinksto? 'Can hoo dust one? 'Nowe, aw'll warnd hoo cornd.

Th. Aw do mane aw've lost mo yung lass; and aw dunnot say thae's feawnd her, but aw do say thae knows wheer hoo is. Aw do. Theighur! Nea then! Col. G. What on earth makes you think that? I don't know what you're after. Th. Thae knows well enough. Thae knowed what aw'd lost afoor aw tou'd tho yo' be deny in' your own name. Thae knows. Aw'll tay tho afore the police, beout thou gie her oop. Aw wull.

Aw limped for more nor a week, but aw geet thee, an' aw meant it, if aw'd had to feight fifteen raands more 'So, like the knights of olden time, Malachi, you fought for your fair lady and won her. 'Nay, Mr. Penrose, you morn'd think he nobbud won me wi' a feight; he'd summat else to do for me beside that. Aw noan put mysel up for a boxin' match, aw con tell yo'. 'Nowe, Mr.

Well, they kept him there, dallyin', aw tell yo, an' never tellin' him a greadley tale, fro Sunday till Monday o' th' neet, an' then, lo an' behold, th' mon towd him that he'd hire't another; and th' lad had to come trailin' whoam again, quite deawn i'th' meawth. Eh, aw wur some mad! Iv aw'd been at th' back o' that chap, aw could ha' punce't him, see yo!"

As they rested together Moses continued: 'Thaas noan a bad sort, Captain; and thaa'd ha' done a deal more good if aw'd a let thee. Thaa wor awlus fond o' childer', bud they'd never let thee alone. It wor happen as weel if aw'd a bit more o' thi spirit i' me, owd lad; but if there wor more fo'k like thee there'd be less like me.

Aw shouldn't ha' care't iv it had nobbut bin a mile, or two even; for aw'd far rayther that he had his meals comfortable awhoam, an' his bits o' clooas put reet; but Lord bless yo, eight mile a day, beside a hard day's wark, it knocked him up at last, it were so like.

Aw'd summut to do to persuade him at first, an' aw know that he's as whoam-sick as a chylt that's lost its mother, just this minute; but then, what's th' matter o' that, it wouldn't do for mo to have him laid up, yo known. . . . Oh, he's a very feelin' mon.

'Molly o' Long Shay were noan sich a beauty, bud aw felt as aw could aw liked to ha' kuss'd her that day, an' no mistak'. "Ey, Molly," aw said, "if aw thought thaa spok' truth, aw'd see Betty to-neet." "See her, mon," hoo said, "an' get th' job sattled." 'Well, yo' mun know, Mr.

Th' peack ov sunbrunt lies they ha' been tellin' me sin' aw coom yere! childer an o'! War. Have patience, man. You won't repent it. Tho. What mun be, mun. Aw connot ha' patience, but aw con stop. Aw'd rayther goo, though. Aw'm noan sorry to rest noather. Enter BILL. War. Here, boy! Don't let the old man go till some one comes. Exit. Bill. All right, sir! Hillo, daddy! There you are! Thank God!