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So we fettled th' lad's bits o' clooas up and made him ever so daycent, and set him off to try to get on wi' th' chap at Lytham. Well, th' lad were i' good heart abeawt it; an' when he geet theer th' chap towd him at he thought he wur very likely for th' job, so that made it better, an' th' lad begun o' wearin' his bit o' brass o' summat to eat, an' sich like, thinkin' he're sure o' th' shop.

As the American approached in the gloom, two men came up, laden with sacks, and poured out a pile of coal on deck. Every lump was about the size of a baseball. Hogan recognized Madden in the darkness. He was exuberant now that he had learned his enemies were human beings and not ghouls. "Do ye think those Dutchmen will be able to put up a daycent foight, Misther Madden?" he inquired hopefully.

"Sure an' I saw your advertisement," she began, humbly, "an' I thought two such gintlemen as yerselves moight not be too hard on a daycent woman who only takes a drop or two now an' then " I led her back to the kitchen and pointed to the sink. As we passed through the dining-room she noticed the empty bottles on the table and crossed herself.

"Stop, Nanny," said Skedlock, "yo'st yer it out, now." "Well, yo seen, this mak o' wark went on fro week to week, till everybody geet weary on it; an' at last, th' chapel-wardens summon't a meetin' to see if they couldn't raise a bit o' daycent music, for Sundays, beawt o' this trouble. An' they talked back an' forrud about it a good while.

Here, I heard again the common story they had been several months out of work; their household goods had dribbled away in ruinous sales, for something to live upon; and now, they had very little left but the walls. The little woman said to me, "Bless yo, there is at thinks we need'n nought, becose we keepen a daycent eawtside. But, I know my own know abeawt that.

'Nay, Libby; yon's a natural sized waist hoo's nobbud small made, thaa sees, said the woman to whom the remark had been made. 'Well, aw'd ha' donned a bonnet on a Sunday. 'Yi; so would I. An' a married woman an' o' aw think hoo might be daycent. 'Yo're reet, lass; there is, an' no mistak'. 'Can hoo play th' pianer, thinksto? 'Can hoo dust one? 'Nowe, aw'll warnd hoo cornd.