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Every member of his Cabinet was above the average in avoirdupois, and the heavyweight president of the Carnegie Institution, Professor Pludder, who had been specially invited, added by his presence to the air of ponderosity that characterized the assemblage. All seemed magnified by the thin white garments which they wore on account of the oppressive heat.

Those things sound well, but they are shadowy and indefinite, like troy weight and avoirdupois; nobody knows what they mean. When you buy a pound of a drug and the man asks you which you want, troy or avoirdupois, it is best to say "Yes," and shift the subject. They said that the wide space dates from the earliest sheep and cattle-raising days.

Robert Knox, of England, somewhat known as an ethnological lecturer and author, a thinker in a sort, though of the "slam-bang" school, of far more force than faculty, and of a singular avidity for ugly news, dogmatically proclaims that all Americans are undergoing a physical degeneration, involving, as he thinks, an equal lapse of mental power, proceeding with swift fated steps, and sure ere long to land them in sheer impotence and imbecility; and he appeals to the common loss of adipose tissue and avoirdupois as proof.

We laughed at him, it is true, but he was so good-natured, so patient, so simple-minded, and, now and then, when he and I were alone, so sentimental and confidential about Mary, and the fortune he meant to bring her back, that I had a sort of maternal liking for him; and even a vicarious affection for Mary herself, the colour of whose eyes and hair nay, whose weight avoirdupois I was now accurately acquainted with.

What! we have a chest here, and bills for close upon two thousand pounds; there's no show to that, it would go in your vest-pocket, but the rest! upwards of forty pounds avoirdupois of coined gold, and close on two hundredweight of Chile silver! What! ain't that good enough to fetch a fleet? Do you mean to say that won't affect a ship's compass?

She stroked his sparse hair. "Cal, you old romancer, you. Who'd ever suspect it in a man of your age and and avoirdupois!" "Avoirdupois!" he snorted. "Can't a man continue to have ideas now and then, even if he does become a a trifle plump. And that boy why, Sarah I tell you !" And then his sister put one hand over his lips. "I know, Cal," she interrupted placidly. "I know!

It was as if hope had been a thing of avoirdupois, and when taken away had caused a shrinkage.

It would not be a very great exaggeration to say that they were worth their size in diamonds. The most valuable species of all was named "Semper Augustus," and a bulb of it which weighed 200 perits, or less than half an ounce avoirdupois, was thought cheap at 5,500 florins.

He did not gain one single pound avoirdupois however, which may perchance seem strange, but is the most natural thing in the world. Who ever saw a little, dry, wiry, sandy, freckled man, with white eyebrows, that did grow fat?

Merely stipulating, therefore, that no express endeavour should be made for my conversion, which would involve the rolling of several brothers and sisters on the floor, declaring that they felt all their sins in a heap on their left side, weighing so many pounds avoirdupois, as I knew from what I had seen of those repulsive mysteries, I promised.