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She was leaning forward now, listening intently, and watching Beaumaroy's face with absorbed interest. "Seventeen and three-quarter pounds avoirdupois that's the correct weight. The first time or two we didn't get much they were still shy of us. But after that we made some heavy; hauls. Twice we brought down close on two thousand. Once there was three thousand, almost to a sovereign.

Chaucer undoubtedly took sly pleasure in stressing his difference from the current conception of the poet, which was typified so well by the handsome young squire, who Such, at least, is the interpretation of Percy Mackaye, who in his play, The Canterbury Pilgrims, derives the heartiest enjoyment from Chaucer's woe lest his avoirdupois may affect Madame Eglantine unfavorably.

At a local social function he took the prize one day for being the most unpopular man in the community; and this caused him to sit up nights, and study himself as others saw him flitting across his unattractive and uneventful stage. The winning of this prize spoke to him with greater accent than could the exploding of a sixteen-inch German gun, and it sent a quiver through his entire avoirdupois.

She swept the tears from her cheeks with a swift gesture, swallowed those which had not yet fallen and fell to sewing frantically for there were steps outside. But the late caller was not Justin Ware as for the moment she had feared, but Mrs. West entering with the ponderous dignity inseparable from two hundred pounds avoirdupois.

Draper at Central Park, was 52.25 inches, somewhat higher than usual, as the average for a series of years before gives 46 inches; but taking these former figures, we find that for that year each acre of ground received, accepting the results obtained by my examination, 76.24 avoirdupois pounds of common salt, if we regard the entire chlorine contents of the rains as due to that body, or 46.23 pounds of chlorine alone.

Slim demanded, his spirit aroused. "Sure have," announced the other, "and I'll make it the stake." Another shout went up as a second group pushed before Slim another youth who, so far as size, shape and avoirdupois was concerned, might have been his twin brother. They looked at each other and both burst into a hearty laugh. "Hello, Skinny," said the stranger. "Howdy, Delicate?"

Up comes le proprietaire avoirdupois three hundred pounds sighing like an exhaust-pipe at every step. For fifteen unhappy minutes the skeleton-key is wriggled and twisted about again in the key- hole, and the fat proprietaire rubs his bald head impatiently, but all to no purpose. Each returns to his respective avocation.

"You used to create a famine at old Briarwood Hall, I remember. But I would not brag about it, Heavy." "Crammed my brain, I mean," wailed the plump girl. "Can't you let me forget my avoirdupois at all?" "It is like the poor," laughed Ruth. "It is always with us, Jennie. We cannot look at you and visualize your skeleton. You are too well upholstered."

A child with a palm-leaf fan can drive a balloon in equilibrium about at will in an atmosphere entirely quiet, while the same balloon, under the impulse of a lively gale, will tear itself loose from the aggregated avoirdupois of all who can lay hands upon it, and wrench great branches from the forest giants over which it skims.

"I am no longer young," he admitted, after a pause, "and therefore propose to take one of the few alleviations allowed to advancing years and an increasing avoirdupois. I am going to give you some advice. There is only one thing worth having in this life, and that is happiness. Even the possibility of it is worth all other possibilities put together.