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I seen her onct close, when she was a-gettin' into her autermobile, in front of one of them big stores." "Well," continued the story-teller, "it was strange, but with all her diamonds and pearls and rubies and things there was one jewel that the princess did not have. And, of course, she wanted that one particular gem more than all the others. That is the way it almost always is, you know."

She turned to Bobby triumphantly, "There, ain't that like the Interpreter said?" "Uh-huh," agreed the boy. "But yer needn't to worry her heart's all right. Didn't she give us that there grand ride in her swell autermobile?" Little Maggie's embarrassment suddenly returned. "Did you really enjoy the ride?" asked Helen. Bobby answered, "I'll say we did.

"That's what them autermobile fellers says when they run over my chickens," snarled the unpleasant farmer. "But they has t' pay for 'em all the same." "And we are willing to pay you anything in reason," said the Captain. "I don't believe we killed any of your pigs, however. But the shed was so rotten it was ready to fall down of itself, which was a good thing for us. How much do you want?"

"'Scuse me, Massa Tom," said the colored man, "but dat express gen'men can't bring dem explosive powder boxes in heah, 'case as how his autermobile hab done ketched fire an' he cain't get near it nohow. Dat's why, Massa Tom!" "Caesar's ghost!" yelled the young inventor. "The auto on fire, and that powder in it! Come on Ned!" and he made a rush for the door. "Tom!

Little Maggie clapped her thin hands with delight. "Gee," said Bobby, "wish I knowed where that there place was. I'd get me enough of them there jewel things to swap for a autermobile an' a an' a flyin' machine." "If you keep your eyes open, Bobby," answered the old basket maker, "you will find the place all right.

Poor Maggie, almost in tears, was considering this doubtful reassurance when Bobby suddenly pointed again toward that pretentious estate on the hillside, and cried in quick excitement: "Look-ee, Mag, there's a autermobile a-comin' out from the castle, right now see? She's a-goin' down the hill toward town. Who'll yer bet it is? Old Adam Ward his-self, heh?"

An' the other day Helen Ward, she give us a ride, in her autermobile while she was a-visitin' with the Interpreter up there." Jake Vodell's black brows were drawn together in a frown of disapproval. "So this Adam Ward's daughter, too, calls on the Interpreter, heh! Many people, it seems, go to this Interpreter."

"I dunno who he is exactly, bein' somethin' o' a stranger here," one of the women said. "But I was told he was some poor relation who allers lived among the fisher folk. But he does seem to know how to run thet autermobile, don't he?" "I should say!" returned the other woman. "An' he's well spoken, too from what I heard him say down to the store." "Yes, I know that too.

Peterby Paul did have good reason for calling her a 'Whosis'." Mr. Peterby Paul appeared after a short time striding down the wooded hillside balancing a five-gallon gasoline can in either hand. "I reckon you can get to Ridgeton on this here," he said jovially. "Guess I'd better set up a sign down here so's other of you autermobile folks kin take heart if ye git stuck."

To the intense dismay of the servants, he merrily departed with Mr. Crow, a prisoner operating his own patrol wagon. The two were smoking the captive's best cigars. "It's mighty nice of you, Mr. Barnes, to let us use your autermobile," said Anderson, benignly puffing away as they bowled off through the dust. "It would 'a' been a long walk. I'll speak a good word fer you fer this."