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She needed a saint to accomplish these reforms. It was therefore necessary that he should come to Rome, and there his saintly gifts would also enable him to render a service to the Duchess di Civitella, here present. She ended her discourse thus: "Nous vous attendons absolument, monsieur! Quittez ce vilain trou! Quittez-le bientôt! Bientôt!"

I'm tired with waiting for this chymic gold, Which fools us young, and beggars us when old." I shall now give you my translation: "De desseins en regrets et d'erreurs en desirs Les mortals insenses promenent leur folie. Dans des malheurs presents, dans l'espoir des plaisirs Nous ne vivons jamais, nous attendons la vie. Demain, demain, dit-on, va combler tous nos voeux.

Already he has won the hearts of the people; but, in the years which, it is to be hoped, still await him, he may accomplish more. Attendons! He stands alone among European princes but, as yet, only with the aid of a chair. London, 1895. Say, shall these things be forgotten In the Row that men call Rotten, Beauty Clare? Hamilton Aide. 'History, it has been said, 'does not repeat itself.

She danced one English country dance with M. de Crillon, son of the Gibraltar Duke: when she stood up, a gentleman came to me and exclaimed, "Ah, Mademoiselle votre soeur va danser, nous attendons le moment ou elle va paraitre." She appeared extremely well from not being anxious to appear at all.

Demain vient, et nous laisse encore plus malheureux. Quelle est l'erreur, helas! du soin qui nous devore, Nul de nous ne voudroit recommencer son cours. De nos premiers momens nous maudissons l'aurore, Et de la nuit qui vient nous attendons encore, Ce qu'ont en vain promis les plus beaux de nos jours," &c. It is in these detached passages that the English have hitherto excelled.

"Mémoires Particuliers," par Madame la Duchesse d'Angoulême, p. 21. Decius was the hero whose example was especially invoked by Madame Roland. The princess told Cléry, "La reine et moi nous nous attendons

"You shall see my Chateaux," he said, "my horses my carriages. Listen it is the ringing of the bells. Aha! le jour viendra le jour viendra! Conjuror! who speaks of a conjuror? I never was a conjuror! I deny it: and he lies who says it! Attendons! Is the curtain up? Ah! my table where is my table? I cannot play till I have my table. Scélérats! je suis volé! je l'ai perdu! je l'ai perdu!