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She only half listened to him, and dropped him with relief, wondering if he was an anti-suffragist. Some memory of his remarks must, however, have remained with her, for after her next visit to Mary she found herself thinking that Mr. McEwan was probably neither an anti- suffragist, nor dull.

Frank restated the question for the benefit of the audience, and then answered with indescribable pathos, "I cannot conceal the truth from you; improbable as it seems, when once this poison becomes virulent in the body politic it spares none, and the very women who have battled most nobly against this corroding innovation are apt to succumb to its insidious influence; even the anti-suffragist, home-loving, God-fearing, modest and retiring as is her nature, has developed a talent for political intrigue that has led to the downfall of more than one of the best laid plans of mice and men."

"I'd have married you," said Ellen, not without bitterness, "if you'd been an anti-Suffragist." The situation was so plainly presenting itself to her as being in some way dreadful that he anxiously held her with his eyes. She stammered, folding and refolding her hands. "It'll be queer, living in a house with you, won't it?"

Lenroot further pointed out that: "From a Republican standpoint-from a partisan standpoint, it would be an advantage to Republicans to go before the people in the next election and say that this resolution was defeated by southern Democrats." An anti-suffragist tried above the din and noise to remind Mr. Lenroot that three years before Mr.

'The question, said Edith, in the most cool, high, irritating voice she could command, 'really, of votes for women hardly enters into our argument here. As a matter of fact, I take no interest in any kind of politics, and, I may be entirely wrong, but if I were compelled to take sides on the subject, I should be an anti-suffragist. 'Oh, you would, would you? That's as well to know!

In the light of the President's gradual yielding and final surrender to our demand, it will not be out of place to summarize briefly just what happened. President Wilson began his career as President of the United States an anti-suffragist. He was opposed to suffrage for women both by principle and political expediency.

Her left eye seemed to pounce out from under its tangled brow. "You S'porter of th' Cause?" Mrs. Pett was an anti-Suffragist, but, though she held strong opinions, nothing would have induced her to air them at that moment. Her whole being quailed at the prospect of arguing with this woman. She returned hurriedly to the main theme.

But still there are people who tell us these women should all have homes of their own it is their own fault if they haven't; and once I heard of a woman saying the hardest thing about men I ever heard and she was an ardent anti-suffragist too.

Walter Long, president of the local government board, a typical conservative country gentleman and at that time an anti-suffragist, made the suggestion that the whole question of Electoral Reform, including the enfranchisement of women, should be referred to a non-party Conference, consisting of members of both Houses of Parliament and presided over by the Speaker. Mr.

Inasmuch as life has brought home to her that the ordinary man has quite other conceptions of that virtue, she declares that "she has no use for it." Let us now turn to the anti-suffragist view. But I think I hear the reader interpose, "What, then, is chivalry if it is not a question of serving woman without reward?" A moment's thought will make the matter clear.