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Monoceros Blainvillii, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 2. Monoceros ambiguus, G.B. Sowerby. 3. Anomia alternans, G.B. Sowerby. 4. Pecten rudis, G.B. Sowerby. 5. Perna Gaudichaudi, d'Orbigny "Voyage" Pal. 6. Ostrea, small species, in imperfect state; it appeared to me like a small kind now living in, but very rare in the bay. 8. Mytilus Chiloensis; Mr.

Their substance is formed of the shells of the common oyster in bluish gray and black particles on a white ground, as in the Lumachella d' Egitto; of the cardium or cockle, assuming a lighter or deeper shade of yellow, as in the Lumachella d' Astracane; of the ammonite, as in the L. Corno d' Ammone; of the Anomia ampulla in the L. occhio di Pavone, so called from the circular form of the fossils whichever way the section is made; of encrinites, belemnites, and starfish, showing white or red on a violet ground, as in the L. pavonazza; and "of broken shells, hardly discernible, together with very shining and saccharoid particles of carbonate of lime," as in the Marmor Schiston of the ancients the brocatello antico of the Italians, so named from its various shades of yellow and purple, resembling silk brocade.

Pleurotoma : 34 to 43 30 : 2 18 St. Elena. Terebra : 34 : 5 Payta. Sigaretus : 34 to 44 30 : 12 Lima. Anomia : 30 : 7 48. Perna : 30 : 1 23 Xixappa. Artemis : 30 : 5 Payta. Voluta : 34 to 44 30 : Mr. Cuming does not know of any species living on the west coast, between the equator and latitude 43 south; from this latitude a species is found as far south as Tierra del Fuego.

In this species are comprehended three Ascidiæ, of different forms; one Anomia, one Terebratula attached to a Fusus, two Lepas, and a Balanus. Six Holothuria, belonging to three different species, were observed: a large Thalassema gave us a long-wished for opportunity of observing, that this species belongs to the Holothuria, and not to the Annulides.