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The conversation was general, and from the latest news from India had drifted into the subject of the Italian belief in the Mal Occhio. "Do you believe in it, Captain Mallett?" asked Bertha, Sir John's only child, a girl of sixteen; who was nestled in an easy chair next to that in which the man she addressed was sitting. "I don't know, Bertha."

"'Boccha chiusa, ed occhio aperto Non fece mai nissun deserto. "The closed mouth and the open eye, etc." "That's very true," said the doctor, much struck. "Very true. 'In boccha chiusa non c'entrano mosche. One can't swallow flies if one keeps one's mouth shut. Corpo di Bacco! that's very true indeed."

The most important specimens of Lumachella marbles are the pair of very fine large columns of L. rosea on the ground-floor of the Schiarra Palace, the balustrade of the high altar of St. Andrea della Valle, two columns in the garden of the Corsini Palace of L. d' Astracane, and a pair of large pillars which support one of the arches of the Vatican Library, formed of L. occhio di pavone.

He conceived a grudge against me, and has taken immense pains to pay me out, and I only trust that our paths will never cross again. If so, I have no doubt that I shall again get the worst of it. At any rate, you see I was not without justification when I said that though I did not believe in the Mal Occhio, I had reason for having some little superstition about it."

In that heavenly climate no day can long be out of humor, and at Sorrento we found ours very pleasant, and rode delightedly through the devious streets, looking up to the terraced orange-groves on one hand, and down to the terraced orange-groves on the other, until at a certain turning of the way we encountered Antonino Occhio d'Argento, whom fate had appointed to be our boatman to Capri.

"'Boccha chiusa, ed occhio aperto Non fece mai nissun deserto. "The closed mouth and the open eye, etc." "That's very true," said the doctor, much struck. "Very true. 'In boccha chiusa non c'entrano mosche. One can't swallow flies if one keeps one's mouth shut. /Corpo di Bacco!/ that's very true indeed."

And what the foremost does the others do Huddling themselves against her if she stop, Simple and quiet, and the wherefore know not." "Come le pecorelle escon del chiuso Ad una, a due, a tre, e l' altre stanno Timidette atterrando l' occhio e il muso; E cio che fa la prima, e l' altre sanno, Addossandosi a lei s' ella s' arresta, Semplici e quete, e lo 'mperche non sanno."

Her eyes filled again with tears. He will be killed, she thought, and for me. "Don't fight! For my sake, don't. I shall begin to think that I am a creature of ill-omen. They say some women are like that; they have the mal occhio; they give sorrow " "That is absurd," he said roughly, and then, in a changed voice, "Good-bye, child." Olive walked home to Ripetta.