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It might perhaps be pleasant for him to make the acquaintance of this 'andsome young Fitzgerald of 'Appy 'Ouse. "And now, Fan, my darling, give us a kiss," said he, getting up from his seat. "'Deed and I won't," said Fan, withdrawing herself among the bottles and glasses. "'Deed and you shall, my love," said Aby, pertinaciously, as he prepared to follow her through the brittle ware.

At such times they were greeted affectionately on all sides by the men and women of England. "Hi say, Slim, old top," Jerry imitated good-naturedly as they boarded the train again after one of these delays. "Hi say, did you 'ear that 'andsome little Hinglisher out there say as 'ow 'ealthy you looked?" "Did 'e?" asked Slim, grinning. "'E did," answered Jerry. And then, winking to Joe.

"Five long year come shine, come rain, I've knowed pore Miss Pell, and though small, a real lady she were, but lonesome. Last night as ever was, she met me on the stairs, and by the same token I 'ad a scrubbing-brush in one 'and and a bucket in the other, me 'aving been charing for the first floor front, a 'andsome gent with whiskers like a lord, and 'oh, Mrs.

I'm going out to search the highways and by-ways for Bedelia," said Robin, a gay light in his eyes. "By the way, did you, by any chance, learn the name of the 'andsome young gent as went away with 'er, 'Obbs?" "I did not, sir. I stood at his helbow for quite some time at the Gare St. Lazare and the only words he spoke that I could hear distinctly was 'wot the devil do you mean, me man?

He stopped to consider, and a cry went up from the far side of the parade-ground: 'He's killed Jerry Blazes! But in the shelter of the well-pillars Simmons was safe, except when he stepped out to fire. 'I'll blow yer 'andsome 'ead off, Jerry Blazes, said Simmons reflectively.

Ma'am, you're a angel! Jam, ma'am you're a nymp' you're two nymp's "'I oft would cast a rovin' eye Ere these white 'airs I grew, ma'am, To see a 'andsome nymp' go by, But none s' fair as you, ma'am. "An' there's me hand on it, ma'am." "My land!" ejaculated Mrs.

O' course, that didn't satisfy 'im, and at last he told me to take a good look at 'im and tell him wot I thought of 'is looks. There was no getting out of it, and at last I 'ad to tell him plain that everybody 'ad diff'rent ideas about looks; that looks wasn't everything; and that 'andsome is as 'andsome does.

"Well, ma'am?" "Don't you remember me, Liza?" "Lawd, yus, miss!" and the door was opened immediately; "but I was afeard you was one o' them reportin' people, and my orders is not to answer no questions." "Has he been here, then?" "Blesh ye, no, miss! He's on 'is way to the Continents. But 'is friend 'as, and he's settled everything 'andsome I will say that for the gentleman."

"I don't go for to deny that 'e's handsome to look at, but my thought is this, 'andsome is as 'andsome does. Now, that young man Sampson, as you call him, will make his fortin' some fine day. He's in the private detective line, and your father says there aint a sharper man in the trade. A sharp detective makes his fortin' in these days, no doubt on that p'int."

'Very good; I'll remember, said Lyon. Miss Geraldine lingered. 'I thought I'd just stop, on the chance. 'I'm afraid I can't hold out hopes, I'm so busy with portraits, Lyon continued. 'Yes; I see you are. I wish I was in the gentleman's place. 'I'm afraid in that case it wouldn't look like me, said the Colonel, laughing. 'Oh, of course it couldn't compare it wouldn't be so 'andsome!