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Blewitt knew this too: and bein very fond of pidgin, intended to keep this one entirely to himself. It was amusin to see the Honrabble Halgernon manuvring to get this poor bird out of Blewitt's clause, who thought he had it safe. In fact, he'd brought Dawkins to these chambers for that very porpos, thinking to have him under his eye, and strip him at leisure.

And Josephine disappeared into her own cubicle where Judith could hear her opening and closing drawers and singing in her funny boyish voice their new nonsense song: "Of all the ships that sail on land, There's none like 'Jolly Susan. Her crew works well with heart and hand, And sometimes they're amusin'."

It was most amusin'. They couldn't account for the disappearance of pies and cakes and Sally Lunn say, how I do love Sally Lunn. And jam, too. To say nothin' of fried chicken. Say! I've been living like a prince, kid. Sleepin' in a real bed and hangin' around in swell togs like these. Say! You do know how to live, David.

He's one of old Strickland's Punjabi policemen and quite European I believe." "Hooray! Haven't talked Punjabi for three months and a Punjabi from Central Africa ought to be amusin'." We heard the chuff of the motor in the porch, and the first to enter was Agnes Strickland, whom the Infant makes no secret of adoring.

Although we didn't live a hundred years ago, we can see how the folks of that age did; and, although society is altered, and there are no Admiral Benbows, nor Hawser Trunnions, and folks don't travel in vans with canvas covers, or wear swords, and frequent taverns, and all that as they used to did to England; still it's a pictur of the times, and instructin' as well as amusin'. I have learned more how folks dressed, talked, and lived, and thought, and what sort of critters they were, and what the state of society, high and low, was then, from his books and Fielding's than any I know of.

But when he comes back well, boys, it'll be kind of amusin' to watch Vic's face when he saunters into town tomorrow and sees Dan Barry maybe dead, maybe in the irons. Eh?" Only a deep silence answered him, but in the interest which his words excited the terror seemed to have left Ronicky and Gus. They rode close, their heads toward Sliver alone. "There goes Vic," mused Sliver.

"I d’n know but what I’d enjoy a little yacht of my own," she said to Mitchell. "I think it’s so amusin’ the way everythin’ turns over into suthin’ else. I suppose Joshua could learn to sail me—I wouldn’t want to trust no new man, I know." "Why, of course," said Jack, "and we could all come and visit you, Aunt Mary." Aunt Mary smiled hospitably.

If he follows them out to Jake's by any chance, Sansome will shoot him or he'll shoot Sansome. Doesn't matter which. Shootin's none too healthy these days for either side! Oh, Lord, most amusin'!" He thought a while, then turned up the hill toward his own house. A new refinement of the plot had occurred to the artist's soul too much drink had released in him. Mrs.

"I thought it was about the handsomest of any," answered Delia; "and her composition was first rate. It was the only real amusin' one there was, and she read it so loud and clear we didn't miss any of it; most o' the girls spoke as if they had hasty pudtin' in their mouths." "That was the composition she wrote for Adam Ladd's prize," explained Mrs.

Soames checked his instinctive "Not particularly" he would not chaffer with this alien. "Yes," he said. "What do you want for it?" "What I gave." "All right," said Monsieur Profond. "I'll be glad to take that small picture. Post-Impressionists they're awful dead, but they're amusin'. I don' care for pictures much, but I've got some, just a small lot." "What do you care for?"