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"I s'pose you'd like t' take a tray int' her, David?" "Now, Susan Jane, don't be so amusin'! It's wonderful how ye keep yer spirits." "Spirits! David, I s'pose you're speakin' sarcastic. You think my mind ain't right. You're treatin' me like a child!" The woman turned from the cup, weeping audibly. Janet at this point noiselessly arose and made a hurried toilet.

Blake he turns round and says, 'This here's a very amusin' book, Mrs. Job. Would you mind my borrowing it for a day or two to copy out some of the poetry? I'll bring it back next time we put into Penleven. Of course my wife says, 'No, she didn't mind. Then the elder Mr. Blake he says, 'I see you had a visitor here yesterday a Mr. MacGuire.

"Oh, out yonder in ther back yard amusin' that Swede Stutter yere brought in ter him fer a playthin'. Them foreigners seem ter all be gittin' mighty chummy o' late. Stutter yere is a-takin' up with Greasers, an' Mike with Swedes. I reckon I 'll have ter be lookin' round fer an Injun, er else play a lone hand purty soon."

"Bring-up a quart of brandy," sez the Squire, "and a bilin o' lemons and sugar. Mr. W.," sez he, "there's not much of me left. Let's liquor up! Let's have a smoke and a cocktail." So we mixes, and had an entertaining discorse on polite literatoor. "Dod-rabbit the sworrick," says Squire. "Say no more about it. I was a fool, Mr Ward, to prefare it to your amusin an inshstructive conversashun."

"That's what I thought you would think, that I was amusin' myself. And I wanted to tell you that I am not, you know. I have far too much respect for Miss Brown to dream of doin' such a thing," he said very eagerly. "Oh, you mean at her expense? I understand now. Well, now, let me make your mind perfectly easy on that score.

When she stamped her foot the smile grew to a short, amused laugh. "Sorta riled, eh?" he jeered. "Well, go as far as you like you're sure amusin'. But I don't reckon that I'll be leavin' here in a hurry. Didn't the old man tell you I could stay here a year? What's the use of me goin' now, just when you're goin' to start to reform me?

"But I would just like to see if they really are countin' on a man of that sort tyin' himself on to a lay-out of their stripe. Nobody in the valley believed Mr. Mostyn had any such intention. He was just killin' time an' amusin' hisse'f." Leaving the store, Miss Sally-Lou strode briskly along the hot, dusty road toward Drake's.

If I couldn't laff at most of the folks that live in this town, I'd be tempted ter commit sooicide that's right! And you air one of the most amusin' of the lot, Massey. Them other committeemen run ye a clost second." "Oh! I can't stop here and fool with you all day, Walky Dexter," snapped the druggist, pretty well worked up by now. "I tell ye this gold piece is a clue " "Mebbe," said Walky.

The weather had broken, and several people had left in consequence. Billy was bored as well as anxious, and his attitude said as much as he unceremoniously left his small playfellows to join Scott. "Just amusin' the kids," he observed explanatorily. "How is she now?" Scott linked his hand in the boy's arm. "She's pretty bad, Billy," he said. "Both lungs are affected.

Well, that's a matter we'll have to thrash out when you come to that and one other which ain't going to be half so amusin' nor congenial while under consideration. About the best I can promise you for both of them arguments is that you ain't got a chance to win either. I got my orders to take care of you." He tiptoed to the door and went with his oddly light and cat-footed tread down the hill.