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"The artist thinks he is amusin' others, when, as a matter of fact, he is gettin' about ninety per cent. of the fun himself. We allus enjoys our own singin' best. I see that now. I thought it up as I was comin' down the road and I concided that the next time I seen a likely lookin' Mrs.

Lupey likes best is the one as you run chains of marbles up an' down your back alone by yourself, an' Mrs. Macy wanted to see them givin' Mrs. Lupey full directions for nothin' she thought it would be so amusin' an' so in the end she said she'd go. "Well, she says foreign folks before they come to this country is wise compared to her! She was tellin' me all about it this afternoon.

That's a trust, Sandy, an' I don't say but what the feller as tho't o' that name must o' bin a tarnation amusin' feller." "Say, you orter bin in a cirkis," sneered Sandy, as the loafer finished his disquisition. "Wal, I'd say that's better'n a museum," retorted Sunny. But Toby was impatient to hear how Sunny intended to dispose of him. "Wher' do I figger in this lay-out?" he demanded. "You?"

Fisher says the way people is sick from the smell shows as all the flies they put in the rooms must of surely been killed, so the experiment's a success in one way at least. Mrs. Fisher walked part way home with me an' we had a nice talk about the Browns. She says the Browns is most amusin' always in the ways they use flies; she says when young Dr. Brown was little, Mrs.

An' I'll gamble you'll learn it.... Wade, have you changed or grown old thet you let a pup like this yap such talk?" "Well, Cap, he's very amusin' just now, an' I want you-all to enjoy him. Because, if you don't force my hand I'm goin' to tell you some interestin' stuff about this Buster Jack.... Now, will you be quiet an' listen an' answer for your pards?" "Wade, I answer fer no man.

'Tain't no use floppin' on yer knees an' cryin' on either the Lord or the devil, they's outside of ye an' jest amusin' theirselves as they likes. Mussy on me! D'ye think I don't know when the Lord 'ides 'is face behind the clouds playin' peep-bo for a bit, and lets the devil 'ave it all 'is own way?

'The minute I hit camp, says I. ''Twas marked on the bag of potatoes and onions. 'They're always together, says she, soft like 'always together in life. 'They go well together, I says, 'in a stew. 'I mean hearts and crosses, says Santa. 'Our sign to love and to suffer that's what they mean. "And there was old Doc Musgrove amusin' himself with whisky and a palm-leaf fan.

She had spent the most notable evening of her life, and she got into her cab a miserable woman. Theo was on the doorstep. "Escapin'," he confided to her while he handed her in. "Worst of these parties generally is that there's nobody amusin'," he observed as he did her this service. "Aren't you rather glad you haven't got to take on Flora's job, Madame Zabriska?"

"Speakin' of the Old Man," broke in the Judge, with characteristic infelicity, "I reckon he'll sort o' miss us, times like these. We were allers runnin' him and bedevilin' him, after work, just to get him excited and amusin', and he'll kinder miss that sort o' stimulatin'. I reckon we'll miss it too, somewhat.

No. Sure you wouldn't. Nor you wouldn't find him registered. Y'see, they don't register mixed farm stock. Anyways, he got me laffin' all the time. But he's bright oh, yep, he's bright, sure. He's a little feller. To git him right you need to think of a buck louse with a think-box developed abnormal. He's a great amusin' little cuss when you see him on his patch of land.