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Organization may reduce the power of the will to nothing, as in some idiots; and from this zero the scale mounts upwards by slight gradations. Education is only second to nature. Imagine all the infants born this year in Boston and Timbuctoo to change places! Condition does less, but "Give me neither poverty nor riches" was the prayer of Agur, and with good reason.

VECINA. Lo siento, porque mi hermana lava muy bien ... como que lava a todas las colegialas de Loreto ... y si no fuera por cierta desgracia que tuvo ... ya se lo contaré a usted otro día ... porque ahora estoy de prisa ... agur ... ¿pues no me huele a salchicha quemada? DON EDUARDO. ¡Qué taravilla! DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¡qué mujer tan ordinaria! DON EDUARDO. ¡Así hablas de tu amiga!

The first verse says, "The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, even the prophecy:" here the word prophecy is used with the same application it has in the following chapter of Lemuel, unconnected with anything of prediction.

He hangs round me yet, like fever 'n' agur upon a ma'sh. But the critter I'm onto a'n't no dog-hoss, you may believe; he don't 'throw off' nor nothin', he don't. Him and his mate here a'n't easy matched. I fetched 'em up from below on spec, and you can hev the span for a cool thousand on ice."

We all know the prayer, "Give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food convenient for me" and for every child of man on this planet, thank God the prayer of Agur, the son of Jakeh, may be fulfilled. At present how far it is from being realised may be seen by anyone who will take the trouble to go down to the docks and see the struggle for work.

This seems to be the first of a little cluster of proverbs bearing on domestic life. It prefers modest mediocrity of station, such as Agur desired. Its successor shows how the contrasted qualities come out in the two men's relation to their domestic animals. Goodness sweeps a wide circle touching the throne of God and the stall of the cattle.

These are the Agur bricks mentioned by Benjamin; cf. Isaiah xxvii. 9. II, 216, gives a full account of his visit to the tomb. Layard, speaking of Birs Nimroud, says: "To the south-west in the extreme distance rise the palm-trees of Kifil, casting their scanty shade over a small dome, the tomb of Ezekiel. Dr. On the other hand, the word was chosen having regard to Hosea ix. 7.

There were numberless details to be looked to. His wardrobe, among the rest, needed replenishing down to the most unconsidered button, for Flagg had dropped into our little world with as few impedimenta as if he had been a newly born infant. Though my condition, like that desired by Agur, the son of Jakeh, was one of neither poverty nor riches, greenbacks in those days were greenbacks.

It is not a time now, will Satan say, to retain a tender conscience, to regard thy word or promise, to pay for what thou buyest, or to stick at pilfering, and filch from thy neighbour. This Agur was afraid of; therefore he prayed that God would keep him from that which would be to him a temptation to do it.

Surely Agur, the son of Jakeh, saw no eager little faces upturned to his, pleading, "Tell me another," or he would have added to the things that are never satisfied, nor say, "It is enough," the hunger of a child for a story. Since hunger is always indicative of a need in the developing life, there must be a reason for this craving.