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Alit oemulatio ingenia, says PATERCULUS, et nunc invidia, nunc admiratio incitationem accendit: 'Emulation is the spur of wit; and sometimes envy, sometimes admiration quickens our endeavours.

All stand, as at the gospel: he incenses the book, and then sings the Exultet . After the words curvat imperia, he fixes in the candle the five grains of incense in the form of a cross . At the words "ignis accendit" he lights the paschal candle with one of the three lights . When the blessing, as it is called, is ended, the paschal candle is left lighted near the pulpit and the seats of the Card. deacons, and the triple candle is placed near the altar on the gospel-side . The deacon then takes off his white vestments, puts on others of a purple colour, and joins the Card, celebrant, who accompanied by the ministers takes his seat on Faldistorio near the altar on the epistle-side, to hear the prophecies recited.

"Quatuor igitur ingentes focos e quatuor partibus ipsius saltus accendit, accensisque plurimas quas secum attulerat carnes passim iniecit ilicemque uicinam cum coniuge et cane ascendens delituit. Fumo autem ignium per nemoris latitudinem diffuso, ubi lupi in confinio degentes quorum inibi ingens habebatur copia odorem perceperunt carnium, illo contendere et confluere ilico coeperunt."

We might behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at some happy period in still later times might blaze with full lustre; and joining their influence to that of pure religion, might illuminate and invigorate the most distant extremities of that immense continent. Nos primus equis Oriens afflavit anhelis; Illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

Then may we hope that even Africa, though last of all the quarters of the globe, shall enjoy at length, in the evening of her days, those blessings which have descended so plentifully upon us in a much earlier period of the world. Non primus equis oriens afflavit anhelis, illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

We might behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at some happy period in still later times might blaze with full lustre; and joining their influence to that of pure religion, might illuminate and invigorate the most distant extremities of that immense continent. Nos primus equis Oriens afflavit anhelis; Illìc sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.