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Udal snickered, still over his shoulder: 'You see, neither have the men of the Old Faith put venom in her food, nor have the Emperor's galleys taken her between Calais and Sandwich. 'Yet she comes ten days late. 'Oh moody and suspicious artificer. Afflavit deus! The wind hath blown dead against Calais shore this ten days.

Then may we hope that even Africa, though last of all the quarters of the globe, shall enjoy at length, in the evening of her days, those blessings which have descended so plentifully upon us in a much earlier period of the world. Non primus equis oriens afflavit anhelis, illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

We might behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at some happy period in still later times might blaze with full lustre; and joining their influence to that of pure religion, might illuminate and invigorate the most distant extremities of that immense continent. Nos primus equis Oriens afflavit anhelis; Illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

It was as if a hurricane had seized a compact numerous fleet, flung it all to the winds, shattered, sunk, and annihilated it: afflavit Deus, et dissipati sunt.

We might behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at some happy period in still later times might blaze with full lustre; and joining their influence to that of pure religion, might illuminate and invigorate the most distant extremities of that immense continent. Nos primus equis Oriens afflavit anhelis; Illìc sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.

Think of it! it has been read by Belinda at her toilet, scanned at "Button's" and "Will's," sneered at by wits, talked of in palaces and cottages, by a busy race in wigs, red heels, hoops, patches, and rags of all variety a busy race that hath long since plunged and vanished in the unfathomable gulf towards which we march so briskly. Where are they? "Afflavit Deus" and they are gone!

Then, obviously while Charles was waiting for orders, came the fatal news in a hurried note. 'Conflans beaten, his ship, the "Soleil Royal," and the "Heros" stranded at Croisic. Seven ships are come in. Ten are flying at sea. Brave Admiral Hawke had routed Conflans in Quiberon Bay. Afflavit Deus, and scattered the fleet of France, with the last hope of Charles.