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Dey kep' one a-nussin' mos' all de time. "My ma was de cause o' my marster a-firin' all de overseers. He say, 'She'll work widout no watchin' an' overseers aint nothin', nohow. "Dey was a white man I aint lyin' I know him an' I seen him. He had Nigger houn's an' he made money a-huntin' runaway Niggers. His own Niggers kilt 'im. Dey hung 'em for it.

"Hum!" said the doctor, a rough miner himself, "new arrival been fat worn out rainy season just coming on not much chance. No business to come to California ought to have had sense enough to stay home." "Look a' here, doctor," said Arkansas Bill, indignantly; "she's got this way a-nussin' a feller stranger, too that ev'ry man in camp wuz afeard to go nigh."

'You'll have to crawl if you ride 'Ercles, observed Leather, 'if not walk. Bless you! I've been a-nussin' of him and the 'ack most the 'ole night. 'Indeed! replied Mr. Sponge, who began to be alarmed lest his hunting might be brought to an abrupt termination. 'True as I'm 'ere, rejoined Leather.

H'yer I'se been a-feelin' mighty hard kase de Ole Marster 'llowed Berry ter be boxed roun', h'yer an' dar, fus' dis way an' now dat, an' let him be run off from his wife an' chillen dat he t'ought der couldn't nobody take keer on but hissef; an' h'yer all de time de good Lo'd hez been a-lookin' atter 'em an' a-nussin' 'em like little lambs, widout my knowin' ennyt'ing about it, er even axin' fer him ter do it.