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Updated: August 2, 2024

"All right, Miss Kate," said Uncle Braddock, as he started off on his way through the woods; "that may be a werry pious way to go a-huntin' but it won't bring you in much meat." When Harry came back from hunting for the bee-tree, which he did not find, he saw Kate walking slowly down the path toward the village, the gun under her arm, with the muzzle carefully pointed toward the ground.

Stanley was not of an imaginative turn, even of enough to explain how it came that so much dry-wood came to be there broken up just the right length; and Mrs. Mills knew no more than that "that cow was always a-goin' off and a-keepin' Vashti a-huntin' everywheres in the worl'."

I'm goin' ter live somewheres else but I hain't found the place, yet. I'd LIKE a home jest a common one, ye know, with a mother in it, instead of a Matron. If ye has a home, ye has folks; an' I hain't had folks since dad died. So I'm a-huntin' now. I've tried four houses, but they didn't want me though I said I expected ter work, 'course. There! Is that all you want ter know?"

Where do you live?" "Nowhere." "Nowhere! Why, you can't do that everybody lives somewhere," asserted Pollyanna. "Well, I don't just now. I'm huntin' up a new place." "Oh! Where is it?" The boy regarded her with scornful eyes. "Silly! As if I'd be a-huntin' for it if I knew!" Pollyanna tossed her head a little. This was not a nice boy, and she did not like to be called "silly."

The kettle hissed, the meat sizzled, sending up a delicious odor; a hen stood in the open door and sang a sort of cheery half-human song, while to and fro moved the sweet-faced, lithe and powerful girl, followed by the smiling eyes at the window. "Merry, you look purty as a picture. You look just like the wife I be'n a-huntin' for all these years, sure 's shootin'."

I'll tell it all, an' ev'rything else bad that I can 'member, so he'll know jest what a bad lot I've been, an' then I'll tell him how sorry I am, an' how I'm a-huntin' ev'rywhere for that Jack Finney, an' how I'll keep a-huntin' till I find him."

I'm sure powerful glad," said Judy, simply. Brian started. A new factor had suddenly been injected into his problem. "I was powerful scared you-all was aimin' ter go away," continued Judy. "Hit was that I was a-huntin' you-all to tell you 'bout, when pap he ketched me." "What were you going to tell me, Judy?" "I 'lowed ter tell you-all 'bout Auntie Sue.

"You are our prisoner," said Frank, sternly, dropping down his gun with the muzzle toward the captive, and giving a glance at Willy to see that he was supported. "Your what? What do you mean?" "We arrest you as a deserter." How proud Willy was of Frank! "Go 'way from here; I ain't no deserter. I'm a-huntin' for deserters, myself," the man replied, laughing.

"Some o' them boys war wondering ef that fire out'n the water would burn," observed a fat, greasy, broad-faced lout, with a foolish, brutal grin. "It mought make out ter singe this stranger's hair an' hide, ef we war ter gin him a duckin' thar." "Air ye a-huntin' of me, too, Mr. Sneed, ye that war 'quainted with me in the old times on Tomahawk Creek?"

Hee-o, wee-o! hear the cricket chirrin', Hear auld Bawthrens by the ingle purrin', Christ us keep while daddie's gone a-huntin'! Hee-o, wee-o, bonnie Babie Buntin'! The winds and the waters our Father shall praise, The birds, beasts and fishes shall tell o' His ways. By seashore and mountain, by forest and ling, O come all ye people, and praise ye our King!

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