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The squire, however, looked at the leaping flames of the kitchen fire as if reluctant to leave it, and Neville asked as a favour to be allowed to bask, "like a cat in the sun," he said, before it. "I'm glad you like the old-fashioned fires," said the farmer. "They're a-most like the camp-fire beside which we used to bivouac when I went a-sogering.

'Our time be a-most gone by, said the miller looking up from his work and laying aside the millpeck for a moment as he rubbed his eyes with his white and greasy sleeve. From a window of the old mill by Okebourne I was gazing over the plain green with rising wheat, where the titlarks were singing joyously in the sunshine.

"You's bin bad, Jowin," answered Big Chief, gravely, "wery bad. Dead a-most. Now, you's goin' to be bedder. Doctor say that " "Doctor!" exclaimed Jarwin in surprise, "what doctor?" "Doctor of ship. Hims come ebbery day for to see you." "Ship!" cried Jarwin, springing up in his bed and glaring at Big Chief in wonder.

"Fo-a-g-sl two hundred, cabin three hundred pa-o-unds." "What!" exclaimed Will. Captain Brown smiled. "You see," said he, "it c-a-unt be done for less ha 'Bliged to give fa-bu-lous wages to crew, and only too thankful to get 'em at any price. Provisions cost their weight, a-most, in gold." "Will you be here an hour hence?" asked our hero.

He was a-layin' in his bed, an' I could see that he was a-most gone when I got there; but he chippered up a little for a minute as I shook hands with him and ast him how he was. He said he was poorly; an' then he kep' quiet for a while.

"So it be," returns the other "Him and his ... Oh ah! but I was a-most forgettin'. I allus liked that dog"; and Job Nutt waved his hand. All knew it. Contrary to what is generally supposed, certain items of news circulate rapidly among farm-folk. It was only a dog. Perhaps so.

Without any preliminary, she at once demanded why he had not come down to see them. 'Mary, said he, calling the servant, as if he did not hear her, 'Some ale, and the ginger wine, and the grey-beard mebbe you'd like a drop a' shart' to me; but I declined. She repeated her question, but Uncle Bennet was looking towards me. 'The wuts be very forrard, said he, 'I got some a-most ready to cut.

"`I'll tell ye what, cries Martin, `we'll cut it up, and take the meat into camp and cook it without sayin' a word. "`Done, says I, `that's it; for ye must know the poor creature wos no judge o' meat. He couldn't tell one kind from another, an' he niver axed questions. In fact he niver a-most spoke to us all the trip.

I s'pose I wouldn't 'a' minded it in a ornary way an' ashore, or ef we'd had some other folks around. But here we was jest alone oh, it was terr'ble how much we was alone! an' Jack more'n half the time like a damn starin' owl, till he a-most druv me wild." "An' Jack said as how I was onbearable too.

Our interpreter, who had a tendency to answer in whatever language he was addressed whether English, French, or Indian replied "Yoos bin a-most busted, sar!" Suddenly the true state of the case flashed upon me. Langour fled. I leaped up, and scrambled somehow into the saddle. "Have I been long insensible, Salamander?" I asked, as we resumed our headlong pace.