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For two hours at least did Joe Blunt essay to catch Charlie, and during that space of time he utterly failed. The horse seemed to have made up his mind for what is vulgarly termed "a lark." "It won't do, Henri," said Joe, advancing towards his companion, and wiping his forehead with the cuff of his leathern coat. "I can't catch him. The wind's a-most blowed out o' me body."

"But that's not what I wos goin' to tell ye yet. We comed to a part o' the plains where we wos well-nigh starved for want o' game, an' the Natter-list got so thin that ye could a-most see through him, so I offered to kill my horse, an' cut it up for meat; but you niver saw sich a face he made. `I'd rather die first, says he, `than eat it; so we didn't kill it.

Small though it was, it sufficed to appease the appetite of the two friends, and to give them a feeling of strength which they had not experienced for many a day. Under the influence of this feeling, Jarwin remarked to Cuffy, that "a man could eat a-most anything when hard put to it," and that "it wos now high time to think about goin' ashore."

"For th' old ship's shook a-most to pieces," the man went on; "with th' foremast clean overboard, an' th' mizzen so wobbly that it's dancin' a jig every time she pitches, and everything at rags an' tatters of loose ends." "But the doctor?" I asked. "He says himself, sir, that he's not dangerous, and I s'pose he ought to know.

You know its common name is `the Hudson's Bay Territory, because it surrounds Hudson's Bay." "Why, where did you learn that?" said Jasper, "I thought I knowed a-most everything about the Company; but I must confess I never knew that about Prince Rupert before." "I learned it from books," said the artist.