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But how few in proportion may be judged from the figures on September 30, 1911. Total membership 6,969, of whom 192 were women. I have given large space to this incident, because it is the only one of the kind I have come across in Miss Anthony's long career.

On the 14th of April the brigade mustered 3818 strong, made up as follows: 833 Camerons, 826 Seaforths, 969 Lincolns, and 665 Warwicks. Two companies of Warwicks had been left in the Dongola province when the advance was made. Besides the muster of battalions enumerated, the brigade included a Maxim battery, detachments of the Army Service Corps, and other details.

On top of this was the generous increase made at the last session of the Congress generally applicable to Federal employees and another bill increasing the pay in certain branches of the Postal Service beyond the large increase which was made three years ago. This raised the average level from $1,969 to $2,092, making an increase in seven years of over 63 per cent.

In the second effort Canada sent 1,969 officers and men, Australasia 1,843. From the number of horses accompanying them it is evident that these were chiefly, if not all, mounted troops; the kind especially needed for the seat of war. The figures given yield a grand total of 6,352 sent from the Canadian and Australasian colonies in the more formal organization.

The expenditures during two years are detailed thus in the same report: For Civil List . . . . . . . . $50,000.00 " Permanent Settlements . . . . 18,000.00 " Legislature and Privy Council . . 15,281.63 " Department of Judiciary . . . . 73,562.61 " " Foreign Affairs and War 98,028.24 " " Interior . . . . 396,806.41 " " Finance . . . . 141,345.29 " " Attorney-general . 88,412.17 " Bureau of Public Instruction . . 88,347.79 $969,784.14 Balance on hand March 31, 1872 . . . . . . . $56,752.41 $1,026,536.55

For, under the milder rule of the Fatimite Caliphs, who reigned over Jerusalem from A.D. 969 to 1076, a peculiar quarter of the holy city had been assigned to the Christians; a fair tribute secured them protection, and the Sepulchre of Christ, with the other scenes identified with the Passion, were left in their hands.

Department of Agriculture 19,681,066.00 17,681,136.00 17,753,931.24 17,821,836.00 + 1,927,134.76 + 1,859,230.00 67,904.76 Department of Commerce and Labor 16,276,970.00 14,187,913.00 15,789,271.00 14,169,969.32 + 487,699.00 + 2,107,000.68 + 1,619,301.68

Said a great German writer: "When all on land was steeped in particularism, the Hansa, our people upon the sea, alone remained faithful to the German spirit and to German tradition." From A.D. 969 to 1171 the Arabian dynasty of caliphs called Fatimites because they professed to trace their descent from Fatima, the daughter of Mahomet reigned in Egypt.

The Board of Actuaries on the retirement act shows by its report, that July 1, 1921 the average salary of the 330,047 employees subject to the act was $1,307, while on June 30, 1927, the average salary of the corresponding 405,263 was $1,969. This was an increase in six years of nearly 53 per cent.

On top of this was the generous increase made at the last session of the Congress generally applicable to Federal employees and another bill increasing the pay in certain branches of the Postal Service beyond the large increase which was made three years ago. This raised the average level from $1,969 to $2,092, making an increase in seven years of over 63 per cent.