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In spite of the cold, he had not been seen since the day of his arrival from Gourbi Island. Captain Servadac had strictly forbidden any communication with him; and the smoke that rose from the cabin chimney of the Hansa was the sole indication of the proprietor being still on board.

On town-life in the Netherlands: Henri Pirenne, Belgian Democracy: its Early History, trans. by J. V. Saunders . On town-life in the Germanies: Helen Zimmern, The Hansa Towns in "Story of the Nations" Series; Karl von Hegel, Staedte und Gilden der germanischen Volker im Mittelalter, 2 vols. , the standard treatise in German. On French gilds: Martin St.

The scope of the Hansa trade was greater than one would imagine. It was greater, for example, than that of the maritime towns of Germany for the period immediately preceding the era of steam navigation, i.e., about 1830.

The Hansa ships were usually round-bellied, high-boarded craft with one mast, and flew the pennant of their home port. In size they were probably as large as the trading vessels which cross the Baltic to-day. That they were skilfully handled is evident from the fact that a contemporaneous report mentions a trip from Ripen in Jutland to Amsterdam as having been successfully made in two days.

The Asiatic Greeks did not fail to repay the benefit which was certainly felt as a general and permanent one with golden chaplets and transcendental panegyrics. The Free Greek Cities In the western portion of Asia Minor the regulation of the territorial arrangements was not without difficulty, especially as the dynastic policy of Eumenes there came into collision with that of the Greek Hansa.

The Hanseatic League, or Hansa the word meaning a society, union was the first trust of which we have authentic record. It began about A.D. 1140, but the league was not signed until 1241.

Bremen, it is true, once withstood the consequences of the Hanseatic ban for more than fifty years, but this was before the extraordinary extension of Hanseatic power consequent upon the Danish war. From all this it appears that the constitution of the Hansa was a very slack but elastic one, which easily adapted itself to the exigencies of the moment.

Let us inquire how the confederation of the Hansa arose, and, after briefly sketching its external history, review in greater detail its commercial and industrial methods, its art work, domestic life, and constitution.

This is what Moghreb must have looked like to the confused imagination of the Middle Ages, to Norman knights burning to ransom the Holy Places, or Hansa merchants devising, in steep-roofed towns, of Barbary and the long caravans bringing apes and gold-powder from the south.

Nilakantha explains that action is first, then Yoga, then the state of Hansa or Paramahansa. Katu is not bitter but pungent or sharp, as that which is attached to chillies. These are the notes of the Hindu Gamut. The understanding operates on what is placed before it by the mind. The understanding, therefore, is, as it were, the lord exercising power or sovereignty, being served by the mind.