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We learn how all utensils for the camp, kettles, blankets, shoes, mess pans, etc., were supplied by one firm, without a contract, at an enormous price, and of a quality so bad as to be almost useless, because the quartermaster was under obligations to the partners. We learn that one partner in that firm gave 40l. toward a service of plate for the quartermaster, and 60l. toward a carriage for Mrs.

And so on they go, pell-mell, putting down "hops in the wool-house" at 2l., "a bull" at 1l. 10s., "14 quarters of mastline" at l4l., "5 quarters of malt" at 5l., "6 bushels of wheat" at 1l. 2s., two more parcels of wood at 100l. and 60l. respectively, a piece of growing corn at 42l., a piece of growing wheat at 6l. l3s. 4d., and even two fields of meadow, which they leave unappraised for the good reason that they had been "eaten up by the souldiers."

For this relique of the bard, a Jew of the name of Isaac, gave 60l. in pledge, and begged the key to keep in memory of the poet, when it was bought by its present possessor; and an Irish gentleman, not long ago, sent a 300l. check for it, and threatened Mr. Hastie with the law when he refused to give him up the punch-bowl."

Afterwards, he obtained another grant of fifty acres, in what now forms a very valuable situation in the town of Sydney; but this he was induced to give up to the Colonial Government for public purposes, about the year 1807, receiving in return twenty gallons of rum, which were then worth 60l. and a grant of the same extent with his former one, but situated at Pitt Water, one of the inlets of Broken Bay a large harbour to the northward of Port Jackson.

Whatever the consequence be, if the King be a man of any stomach and heat, all do believe that he will resent this vote. Read over and agreed upon the deed of settlement to our minds: my sister to have 600l. presently, and she to be joyntured in 60l. per annum; wherein I am very well satisfied. 11th.

He has leased the island of Scariff from Lord Dunraven for 60l. per annum, has put a dairyman upon it, and sells off of it yearly produce, butter, cattle, sheep, wool, and pigs, to the value of 230l., the valuation of the island, according to Griffith, being, including the dairyman's house 27l. 5s. Mr.

There are many young men at Harvard College of very small means. They will live on 70l. per annum, and will earn a great portion of that by teaching in the vacations. There are thirty-six scholarships attached to the university, varying in value from 20l. to 60l. per annum; and there is also a beneficiary fund for supplying poor scholars with assistance during their collegiate education.

Camuse and his wife, both Italians, were now entrusted with this business, in which they were continued six years; the two first at a salary of 60l. per annum, and the four last at 100l. besides the rent of a dwelling house and garden.

UNITED STATES. FRANCE. Treasury Department. Ministere des Finances Messenger . . . $ 700 150l. Huissier, 3,500 fr. . . 60l.

And indeed so large an introduction of those primitive riches, flocks and herds, is almost sure to give a spur to industry, and to assist the increasing prosperity of a rising colony. Under the influence of this cause it is related that land in Western Australia, which was bought for 23l. an acre in December, 1839, was sold for 60l. an acre in February, 1840.