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I may finish this section by stating that, as respects the new Hudson's Bay shareholders, their 20l. shares have been reduced by returns of capital to 13l., and having, nevertheless, in the "boom" of lands in the West, been sold at 37l. as the price of the 13l.; they are now about 24l.

The telegraph costs about 20l. per mile, and the wires are generally supported on the undressed stems of pines, but are often carried from tree to tree along miserable roads, or through the deep recesses of the forests. The stores in Halifax are pretty good, all manufactured articles being sold at an advance on English prices.

And letters from my father tell me of 20l. hurt done to us at Brampton. But I doubt things will be proved otherwise than they say. To the Opera, and there saw "Romeo and Juliet," the first time it was ever acted. I am resolved to go no more to see the first time of acting, for they were all of them out more or less. 3rd.

Item. I give and bequeath to my said mother-in-law a little salt of silver, a mazer, six silver spoons, and a drinking-pot of silver. And also I charge mine executors to be good unto her during her life. Item. I give and bequeath to my brother-in-law William Wellyfed, 20l., my third gown, jacket, and doublet. Item.

A curious trait in Mary's character may be mentioned in connection with this transfer. She had a voracious appetite; and in Elizabeth's household expenses an extra charge was made necessary of 20l. a-year for the meat breakfasts and meat suppers "served into the Lady Mary's chamber." Statement of the expenses of the Household of the Princess Elizabeth: Rolls House MS.

The rich and luxurious may go to Dillow's or Gobiggin's, but we can get our rooms comfortably furnished at Timmonson's for 20L. And putting on her bonnet, and hanging affectionately on her husband, the stoker's pretty bride tripped gayly to the well-known mart, where Timmonson, within his usual affability, was ready to receive them. "Then you might have a touch at the wine-merchant and purveyor.

Moreover, as I have just now a good deal of money left of the 60l., we have wherewith to begin; and if it be the Lord's will, and if He will accept it, I am willing to lay out at once 20l. of it in this way, yea, all that is left, if He will but speak; and, by the time that this is gone, He can send more.

In 1712, George Fentham, of Birmingham, devised his estate by will, consisting of about one hundred acres, in Erdington and Handsworth, of the value then, of 20l. per annum, vesting the same in a trust, of which no person could be chosen who resided more than one hundred yards from the Old Cross.

Others, such as Volaterrae and Arretium, were deprived of all privileges except that of Commercium or the right of trade. One of his centurions, named Luscius, bought an estate for 10,000,000 sesterces, or 88,540l. of our money. One of his freedmen bought for 20l. 12s. an estate worth 61,000l. Crassus, Verres, and Sulla's wife, Metella, became in this way infamously rich.

Cultivators are taxed ten per cent., the general and easy rate of this part of Africa, but they pay in kind, which considerably increases the Government share. The greatest merchant may bring to Harar 50l. worth of goods, and he who has 20l. of capital is considered a wealthy man. The citizens seem to have a more than Asiatic apathy, even in pursuit of gain.