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Prizes to the value of 300l. were to be presented to the successful candidates, varying from a purse of twenty sovereigns and a gold watch and chain, down to "a purse of two sovereigns," with "various other prizes, consisting of jewellery, &c."

Our business in the temple is not to inform our minds, or correct our lives; but as soon as we enter the place, one out of love to his friend, being made his heir, promises a sacrifice to the gods, if they'd please to take him out of this troublesome world; another, if they'd direct him to a treasure: the like a third promises if they'd make him happy in a small estate of 300l. per an. or so: The very Senate that shou'd show an exemplary conduct, in occasions of doubtful events, have devoted mighty sums of gold to religious uses: And who wou'd not but admire, that, he is perswaded hath charms enough to make the gods themselves comply!

Its immediate success was enormous, perhaps almost unparalleled in literary history, or at least in the history of works of similar magnitude; 12,000 copies of the English edition and 25,250 of the American, were produced in the lifetime of the author. The retail price of the English copies amounted to 67,600l. and of the American 132,300l.

And that evening when they two were walking together in the twilight by the quiet river, gathering cowslips and fritillaries, he told her of his good prospects, and how a young lord, who made much of him, and treated him as a friend and an equal, though he was but a Servitor and was used to sit in his room talking with him long after the quadrangle was quiet, and the fast men had reeled off to their drunken slumbers had only three days before promised him a living of 300L. a-year, as soon as he should take his priest's orders.

I am therefore of opinion, that a real undefalcated revenue of six hundred pounds a year, is a sufficient income for a country dean in this kingdom; and since the rents consist wholly of tithes, two parishes, to the amount of that value, should be united, and the dean reside as minister in that of Down, and the remaining parishes be divided among worthy clergymen, to about 300l. a year to each.

'Mirabel dined here yesterday, and went and played on purpose to save me. I treated it as a joke. But what is this? Ferdinand opened the packet. The handwriting was unknown to him. Ten bank notes of 300L. each fell to the ground. 'Do I live in fairyland? he exclaimed. 'Now who can this be? It cannot be you; it cannot be Mirabel. It is wondrous strange.

It became possible by its means to make thread so fine that a length of 334 miles might be spun from a single pound weight of the prepared cotton, and, worked up into the finer sorts of lace, the original shilling's worth of cotton-wool, before it passed into the hands of the consumer, might thus be increased to the value of between 300l. and 400l. sterling.

"My dearest Robert," wrote Miss Waters, "will deplore my dear brother's loss: but not, I am sure, the money which that kind and generous soul had promised me. Happy and contented indeed! Didn't I know how my father got on with his 300L. a year, and how it was all he could do out of it to add a hundred a year to my narrow income, and live himself! My mind was made up.

Fenton received 300L, Broome 500L. Such at least is Warton's account, and more probable than that of Ruffhead, who not only varies the proportions, but increases the whole sum given to the assistants by 100L. Thus far we had followed the guidance of mere probabilities, as they lie upon the face of the transaction.

The names of Wylander and W. A. B. Johnson are deservedly remembered. Nearly half a million sterling was spent at Leone, where the stone church of Kissy Road was built in 1839, and that of Pademba Road in 1849. The grants were wisely withdrawn in 1862. At the present moment only 300l. is given, and the church is reported to be self-supporting. The first bishopric was established in 1852.