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In B.C. 372 Antalcidas was sent by Sparta a second time up to Susa, for the purpose of obtaining an imperial rescript, prescribing the terms on which the then existing hostilities among the Greeks should cease. In B.C. 367 Pelopidas and Ismenias proceeded with the same object from Thebes to the Persian capital.

C. A. Beard, Loose Leaf Digest of Short Ballot Charters. C. R. Woodruff, City Government by Commission. E. S. Bradford, Com- mission Government in American Cities. National Municipal Review, vol. 1, pp. 40, 170, 372, 562; vol. 2, p. 661. The American City, vol. 9, p. 236. Outlook, vol. 92, pp. 635, 829; vol. 99, p. 362. Direct primaries.

The words which concern the conduct of Vigilius are taken from Cardinal Hergenröther. Baronius, A.D. 538, sec. 5, gives from Anastasius the words of the empress, and the Pope's answer, and the following narrative. Gregorovius, i. 372. See Liberatus, Breviarium, ch. xxii. Liberatus, Breviarium. Reumont, ii. 49. St. Gregory, Dialogues, ii. 14, 18.

It is also encouraging to know that the statistics of each decade indicate that an increasing proportion of young men entering the ministry have received a college education. There were 112 theological schools in 1890, that reported 7,013 students, of whom 1,372 were graduated, or two for every one hundred thousand of population. This is certainly not over-crowding.

Filicaja. Photius, i. 128, who quotes Avitus, 3rd letter, and Ennodius, and Gelasius, Ep. xiii. Photius, i. 126; Hefele, C.G., ii. 596. Jaffé, 371, 372; Mansi, vii. 1097; vii. 1100. Dum scilicet ad Apostolicam Sedem regulariter destinatur, per quam largiente Christo omnium solidatur dignitas sacerdotum.

George, Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, p. 33. James, British Naval History, iv., 470-84. See above, p. 58. See Cambridge Modern History, vii., 336, 338. For details of the naval warfare of this year see James, British Naval History, vi., 115-202. Rose, Life of Napoleon I., ii., 372. For the importance of this flight of the Emperor Francis see Rose, Life of Napoleon I., ii., 418, 425.

Over the first section 73,607 lbs. per day, the second section 47,848 per day; while either of these amounts does not equal those carried during the same period between New York and West Philadelphia, on the route to Washington, a distance of ninety miles, amounting to 6,202,370 lbs. for the thirty days, and 103,372 lbs. per day, the great discrepancy in miles must be borne in mind and the fact that government supplies and public documents to the East and North contribute no small proportion of the amount.

But he had lost to Breckenridge or Bell fourteen southern states. Protective tariff Pennsylvania had given Lincoln 268,030 and Douglas 16,765. Protective tariff Massachusetts had given Lincoln 106,533 and Douglas 34,372.

Laws, who had not been surpassed by any musician before him, was much beloved by the king, who called him the father of music. * Anderson, vol. ii. p. 111. Anderson, vol. ii. p. 111. * British Empire in America, vol. i. p. 372. Purnet.

The morning report of Colonel Bailey's regiment, the Forty-ninth Tennessee, for January 14th, was 680 effectives out of an aggregate of 777. His last morning report before the surrender was 393 effectives out of an aggregate of 773. Major Brown's estimate gives this regiment 372 engaged.