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Notwithstanding this condition these exhausted men labored during the night to erect breastworks, furnished details to bury the dead and carry the wounded back in improvised litters." Wheeler's loss was 6 officers and 40 men killed, 29 officers and 288 men wounded, and 10 men missing total 372, out of a force of 127 officers and 2,536 men.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, in Sparks's Franklin, ii. 372. I remember that when I went to school I used to look with wonder on the title of a now forgotten newspaper of those days which was then often in the hands of one of the older scholars.

In addition there were a half dozen large submarine merchantmen of the type of the Deutschland, which made two voyages to America in 1916; and a similar number of big cruisers of 2000 tons or more were completed in 1918, mounting two 6-inch guns and capable of remaining at sea for several months. The 372 boats built totaled 209,000 tons and had a personnel of over 11,000 officers and men.

Passages in his letters shew that he had some enjoyment of country life. Thus he writes: 'I hope to see standing corn in some part of the earth this summer, but I shall hardly smell hay or suck clover flowers. Piozzi Letters, ii. 140. 'What I shall do next I know not; all my schemes of rural pleasure have been some way or other disappointed. Ib. p. 372.

It was truly remarked of Selwyn at the time of his death: "Many good things he did say, there was no doubt, and many he was capable of saying, but the number of good, bad, and indifferent things attributed to him as bon mots for the last thirty years of his life were sufficient to stock a foundling hospital for wit."* * Grenville Correspondence, vol. 11. p. 372.

I told him he must be sensible he had made a false report. He made no answer." And the duke bowed him out of the room with unconcealed scorn. Kaye's Life of Sir J. Malcolm, ii., p. 109. Lamartine calls the Cordeliers the Club of Coups-de-main, as he calls the Jacobins the Club of Radical Theories. Histoire des Girondins, xvi., p. 4. Dr. Moore, ii., p. 372; Chambrier, ii., p. 142.

An idea of the financial transactions of the Cigar-Makers' International Union may be gathered from its total expenditures in the past twelve years and a half. In all, it has disbursed in that time $1,426,208. Strikes took $469,158; sick benefits, $439,010; death benefits, $109,608; traveling benefits, $372,455, and out of work benefits, $35,795.

The share of Holland and West Friesland was 372,800 crowns, and of Zealand 16,000 crowns, to be paid within seven and a half years. In Holland, Haarlem paid the heaviest quota, 3549 crowns, and Schiedam the smallest, 350 crowns, while Dordrecht and the South Holland villages were assessed at 39,200 crowns, and the remainder was divided among the other cities and villages.

A Parliamentary return published in November, 1918, showed the following numbers of men and women on the register. Men. 12,913,166 Naval and Military Voters 3,896,763 16,809,929 Women. 8,479,156 Naval and Military Voters 3,372 8,482,528 At the annual Council meeting of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies held in March, 1918, its object was changed by formal vote.

Louis Republican, must be understood as meaning square or superficial feet, board measure, allowing a thickness of one inch: "The lumber trade of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, for the year 1869, shows the amount cut as being 2,029,372,255 feet for the State of Michigan, and 317,400,000 feet for the State of Minnesota, and 964,600,000 feet for the State of Wisconsin.