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In the first edition it stands 'A gentleman' and below instead of Mr. , Mr. . In the second edition Mr. becomes Mr. . In the third edition young is added. Young Mr. Burke is probably meant. As it stood in the second edition it might have been thought that Edmund Burke was the gentleman; the more so as Johnson often denied his want of wit. Hamlet, act i. sc. 2. See ante, i. 372, note 1.

On the day of the founding, Lasuen's heart was made glad by the presentation of fifteen children for baptism. At the end of 1800 there were 362 neophytes, 372 horses and cattle, and 1582 smaller animals. The crop of 1800 was 1900 bushels.

In 1909-10 the Dominion's expenditures in mail and steamship subsidies amounted to a total equivalent to $1,736,372. The amount appropriated for 1910-11 increased to $2,054,200; while the estimates for 1911-12 reached a total of $2,006,206. The grand total of subsidies and subventions paid by Great Britain and all her colonies in 1911 approximate ten million dollars annually.

Second Series. By William Cullen Bryant. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 277. $1.25. My Thirty Years out of the Senate. By Major Jack Downing. Illustrated. New York. Oaksmith & Co. 12mo. pp. 458. $1.25. Tressilian and his Friend. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 372. $1.25. The New American Encyclopaedia; a Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge.

The whole amount thus sold, located under land warrants, reported under swamp-land grants, and selected for internal improvements exceeds that of the previous year by 3,342,372 acres; and the sales would without doubt have been much larger but for the extensive reservations for railroads in Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama. Acres.

Christian H. Ronne, 60, president of the C.H. Ronne Warehouse, 372 West Ontario street, dropped dead in the Traffic Club on the eighteenth floor of the Hotel La Salle two weeks after he had informed his son-in-law, C.A. Christensen, cashier of the Mid-City Trust and Savings Bank, of a premonition of death. Chicago Evening American, Aug. 4, 1920. Fort Dodge, Ia., Aug. 4. Lieut.

For this is necessary for the advancement of trade. 'Also, an alien may bring an action concerning personal property, and may make a will and dispose of his personal estate. When I mention these rights of an alien, I must be understood of alien friends only, or such whose countries are in peace with ours; for alien enemies have no rights, no privileges, unless by the King's special favor during the time of war.'Blackstone, B.1. c.10. page 372.

A little work with pencil and paper will now still further weaken the scarcity theory by revealing the fact that in Boston, among men from thirty to thirty-four years of age, 372 out of every 1,000 are still single. Social conditions in rural communities tend to approach those of urban communities. Social conditions in the West tend to approach those in the East. Boston is not eccentric.

Each succeeding census diminished these proportions, until that of l830, when the return for the State of New York gave 1,372,812, and for New England 1,954,709. At this time, and for a considerable period preceding and succeeding it, it was found that the proportion between the people of the State of New York and the people of the city, was about as ten to one.

It is well known that with most peoples particular forms were devoted to especial ceremonial uses. The construction of vases exclusively for mortuary purposes was probably not generally practiced, although a few examples, notably those illustrated in Figs. 372 and 420, point decidedly in this direction. The simple conditions of life with these people are indicated by the absence of certain forms.