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The brave Sir Samuel Hood, who lost his arm, has only 500l.., whilst the late Secretary of the Admiralty retires, in full health, on a pension of 1500l.. per annum. All the superannuated admirals, captains, and lieutenants put together, have but 1012l. more than Earl Camden's sinecure alone!

I was told to-night that my Lady Castlemaine is so great a gamester as to have won 15,000l. in one night, and lost 25,000l. in another night at play, and hath played 1000l. and 1500l. at a cast. 16th. Mr.

But we felt a little comforted at the thought that we had already taken some very rich Prizes, and my own part of the Plunder was now over 1500l. January 11th, we weighed from Port Segura, and ran towards the Island of Guam. Our Steward missing some pieces of Pork, we immediately searched and found the Thieves.

In 1823 the Royal Society was requested to report upon the invention, and after full inquiry the committee recommended it as one highly deserving of public encouragement. A sum of 1500L. was then placed at Mr. Babbage's disposal by the Lords of the Treasury for the purpose of enabling him to perfect his invention. It was at this time that he engaged Mr.

Sir W. Pen did give me an account this afternoon of his design of buying Sir Robert Brookes's fine house at Wansted: which I so wondered at, and did give him reasons against it, which he allowed of: and told me that he did intend to pull down the house and build a less, and that he should get 1500l. by the old house, and I know not what fooleries.

And here talking of several things; of the corruption of the Court, and how unfit it is for ingenuous men, and himself particularly, to live in it, where a man cannot live but he must spend, and cannot get suitably without breach of his honour: and he did thereupon tell me of the basest thing of my Lord Barkeley that ever was heard of any man which was this: how the Duke of York's Commissioners do let his wine-licenses at a bad rate, and being offered a better, they did persuade the Duke of York to give some satisfaction to the former to quit it, and let it to the latter; which being done, my Lord Barkeley did make the bargain for the former to have 1500l. a-year to quit it; whereof since it is come to light that they were to have but 800l. and himself 700l., which the Duke of York hath ever since for some years paid, though the second bargain hath been broken, and the Duke of York lost by it half of what the first was.

At noon I to Sir R. Ford's, where Sir Richard Browne and I met upon the freight of a barge sent to France to the Duchesse of Orleans; and here by discourse I find they greatly cry out against the choice of Sir John Cutler to be treasurer of Paul's, upon condition that he gives 1500l. towards it; and it seems he did give it upon condition that he might be Treasurer for the work, which, they say will be worth three times as much money: and talk as if his being chosen to the office will make people backward to give, but I think him as likely a man as either of them, and better.

In short, all the usual expedients for raising money were cleverly resorted to, and the result was that between 1400l. and 1500l. was added to the funds of the hospital, about 500l. of which was taken at the ladies' bazaar. Altogether, there were not less than 5000 people on the ground, though I believe the newspapers gave a considerably higher number.

Lieutenant Ellison, who lost his arm, is allowed 91l. 5s., Captain Johnstone, who lost his arm, has only 45l. 12s. 6d., Lieutenant Arden, who lost his arm, has 9l. 5s., Lieutenant Campbell, who lost his leg, 40l.., and poor Lieutenant Chambers, who lost both his legs, has only 80l.., whilst Sir A.S. Hamond retires on 1500l.. per annum.

Herbert Croft was made Bishop of Hereford 1661, but he could not then be very old, as he lived till 1691. He was by birth a Catholique, and a great gallant, having 1500l. per annum patrimony, and is a Knight Barronet: was turned from his persuasion by the late Archbishop Laud. He and the Bishop of Exeter, Dr. Ward, are the two Bishops that the King do say he cannot have bad sermons from. 18th.