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DON EDUARDO. Como que no hay cosa peor que el jabón y el agua caliente ... mas puedes estar segura, Matilde mía, que con la misma ilusión con que tu Eduardo te besa ahora esta mano tan suave y blanca, con la misma te la besará cuando la tengas áspera como una lija y colorada como un tomate.

It was on a bright May morning, three days subsequently to Rita's arrival at Segura, that a small train of horsemen was seen winding along the declivitous paths that lead across the sierra of Elgua, a part of the northern boundary of the province of Alava.

A collection made at Barcelona from the river and the brackish marshes would be equally desirable; another from the river at Valencia, and, if possible, also from its head-waters at Ternel; another from the river Segura at Murcia, and somewhere in the mountains from its head-waters. Granada would afford particular interest as showing what its mountain streams feed.

Still however preserving his presence of mind, he sent off Hernan Nunnez de Segura by land to Nombre de Dios, accompanied by some negroes who knew the country, with orders for all the inhabitants of that place to take up arms for the protection of the treasure which had been sent there.

But we felt a little comforted at the thought that we had already taken some very rich Prizes, and my own part of the Plunder was now over 1500l. January 11th, we weighed from Port Segura, and ran towards the Island of Guam. Our Steward missing some pieces of Pork, we immediately searched and found the Thieves.

He kept up his record by appearing next at Chihuahua and robbing a few monte dealers there, killing one whom he waylaid with a new companion by the name of Segura. The Kid was now old enough to be dangerous, and his life had been one of irresponsibility and lawlessness.

Act IV pictures a piquant fiesta scene with Spanish dancing, the scene being laid in the Carmel Valley on the occasion of the baptism of the first white child born in Monterey. This child was born of Spanish parents, Pasqual and Teresa Segura and in baptism received the name of Carlos.

Segura had a most difficult and fatiguing journey on foot, having several rivers to cross, some of them by swimming, and to pass through woods and marshes in a road through which no person had travelled for a long while.

But I must not fail to mention one incident which occurred during the absence of Father Gregorio Lopez, at which time his companion, Father Pedro de Segura, remained in Silan. Two Indians came to this father one night, seeking relief for a woman who was the wife of one and a relative of the other.

Within this cape, there is a large bay, called by the Spaniards Aguada Segura, into which falls a fine fresh-water river, the banks of which are usually inhabited by many Indians in the summer. They went into this bay, where they again watered, and remained waiting for the Accapulco ship till the 4th November, the wind continuing all that time to hang westerly.