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It is a place of considerable antiquity; and was originally written Legheart, and in old Latin, Laga, i.e. a place which lies sheltered. "The manor was held of Edward the Confessor by Alwin. William the Conqueror gave it to his half-brother, Odo, bishop of Baieux, and Earl of Kent, of whom it was held by Walter de Donay." In the time of the Confessor, it was valued at 3l. and in Domesday at 100s.

However, the King changed his mind, and we have accordingly 100s. paid for a chair in wood, made after the same pattern as the one which was to be cast in copper; also 13s. 4d. for carving, painting, and gilding two small leopards in wood, which were delivered to Master Walter, the King's painter, to be placed upon and on either side of the chair made by him. The wardrobe account of 29th Ed.

When the price of wheat should fall below 90s. per quarter, its exportation was to be permitted; but its importation was to be forbidden, until the price should reach 103s., when it might, indeed, be imported, but under "a very considerable duty". It was assumed, in fact, that the normal price of wheat was above 100s. per quarter, and the price above which importation should be permitted was nearly twice as high as that fixed in 1801, when, moreover, it was to be admitted above 50s. at a duty of 2s. 6d., and above 54s. at a duty of sixpence.

At one nunnery we find the nuns complaining that their house is £20 in debt 'and this principally owing to the costly expenses of the prioress, because she frequently rides abroad and pretends that she does so on the common business of the house although it is not so, with a train of attendants much too large and tarries too long abroad and she feasts sumptuously, both when abroad and at home and she is very choice in her dress, so that the fur trimmings of her mantle are worth 100s'!

Dwelling House 19 by 35, part finished £ 90. 0.0 1 Building 16 by 40, Rough boarded, improved for Cooper's Shop & Kitchen 15. 0.0 1 Log Store 20 by 30, without floor 20. 0.0 1 Barn 24 by 35 16. 6.0 1 Log house 14 by 18, occupied by Black 6.12.0 1 House 16 by 20, occupied by Bradley 7.10.0 1 Well 15 feet deep 1.10.0 1 Necessary House 1.10.0 1 Lime Kiln 14. 0.0 1 Gondalo 10. 0.0 1 Wherry 1. 0.0 2 Large Seines 14. 0.0 1 Cart 100s., 2 Sleds, 18s. 5.18.0 1 Drag 9s., 1 Harrow 15s. 1. 4.0 2 Iron bars 20s., 1 Crow-bar 10s 1.10.0 3 Stone Hammers @ 7s. 1. 1.0 4 Spades @ 6s. 8d., 3 Shovels @ 3s. 1.15.8 1 Broad Axe 12s., 6 Narrow Axes @ 6s. 2. 8.0 15 Old Axes @ 3s. 2. 5.0 Whipsaw 40s., 1 Cross cut do. 30s. 3.10.0 4 Augers 12s., 3 chisels 6s. 18.0 2 Iron Squares, 8s., 3 pitch forks 12s. 1. 0.0 7 Hoes @ 2s. 8d. 18.8 1 Set Cooper's Tools 2. 5.0 2 Nail hammers 3s., 1 plough 18s. 1. 1.0 2 Scythes @ 6s., 2 pick axes @ 5s. 1. 4.0 7 Chains 4.10.0 1 Beetle 1s. 6d., 2 Wedges 3s. 4.6 160 Hogsheads Lime stone at ye Kiln @ 5s. 4d. 42.13.4 50 Hogsheads at the Quarry dug @ 1s. 2.10.0 50 Cords wood at Kiln @ 3s. 6d. 8.15.0 80 Cords wood in ye Woods & 1s. 6d. 7. 6.8 Wire 60s., Spruce Logs at the Water 80s. 7. 0.0 84 Pine logs at the falls worth 22. 8.0 119 Pine logs scattered in ye River @ 3s. 17. 7.0 8 Oxen worth at St.

If any of our earls or barons, or others holding of us in chief by military service shall have died, and at the time of his death his heir shall be full of age and owe "relief", he shall have his inheritance by the old relief, to wit, the heir or heirs of an earl, for the whole baroncy of an earl by L100; the heir or heirs of a baron, L100 for a whole barony; the heir or heirs of a knight, 100s, at most, and whoever owes less let him give less, according to the ancient custom of fees.