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But the heart of the wife was too full of fear to receive comfort just then from her boy's words. "Nay, Hans," she said; "some evil has befallen him. He never tarries so late. Thy father is not one to turn aside to his mates' houses and gossip away his time as others do. It is always for home and children that he sets out when his work is done.

Robin Turgis, shutting the door after her with a sigh of satisfaction, retired to his own quarters to seek sleep until custom should return. Louie and Tristan, deep in their cards, paid little heed to anything else. "Your barber tarries," Tristan said, after a panse. "The game makes amends," Louis answered. "You are winning, sire," Tristan grunted. The king chirruped merrily.

He finds a party of maidens engaged in a bewildering dance, and tarries to enjoy the spectacle. The knight remains, but will not mate with the maiden, for he has seen the devil lurking in her brown eyes and learned that once in her toils he will be lost forever. Lying under Frau Frene's fig tree, at length, he dreams that he must quit his sinful life.

Know ye not that this world is indeed the wide house of hell, in whose chambers from time to time the spirit tarries a little while, then, weary and aghast, speeds wailing to the peace that it has won.

He tarries awhile and then passes into darkness again. Micah, lad, the days are passing, mine as well as thine. Let them not be wasted. They are few in number. What says Petrarch? To him that enters, life seems infinite; to him that departs, nothing. Let every day, every hour, be spent in furthering the Creator's end in getting out whatever power for good there is in you.

In regard to the whole of the prophetic utterances, we have often to say with the disciples, 'What is this that he saith, a little while? Eighteen centuries have rolled away since the seer heard, 'Behold, I come quickly, and the vision still tarries.

These ruinous missions are prolific generators, and the nurseries of vermin of all kinds, as the hapless traveller who tarries in them a few hours will learn to his sorrow. When these bloodthirsty assailants once make a lodgment in the clothing or bedding of the unfortunate victim of their attacks, such are their courage and perseverance, that they never capitulate.

Ah, young madam she, is as lovely to the eyes of an old seafaring man as any of your kind can be to human nature!" "But why this delay? away then, honest Tom, and reveal the treachery to your commander; you may not yet be too late why delay a moment?" "The ship tarries for want of a pilot.

"Our August friend tarries!" quoth the Bishop of , with his hands folded across his capacious stomach. "I fear the turbot your lordship spoke of may not be the better for the length of the trial." "Poor fellow!" said the Earl of , slightly yawning. "Whom do you mean?" asked Lord Mauleverer, with a smile, "the bishop, the judge, or the turbot?"

Fare thee well! thou couple of saintly sinners! and may the next traveller who tarries in the den of thieves qualify thee for canonisation by thy wife's admiring pastor, the cabbage-eating Vice-Principal of Molk." Before the end of an hour they had to ford a rivulet running between two high banks.