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"Ah cain't git his left laig out from the sturrup! This dead hoss is too heavy fer me to shove over. Ef some one'll come down an' use a crow-bar Ah reckon we-all kin manage it all right." With all the tension and doubt of being of any use in this accident, Mr.

I remember this little round spot that I filled with putty and covered with cement." By means of a long crow-bar, an opening was at last made, and one stone after another fell to the floor. "Victory!" shouted the old man. "Here are the chests, untouched. I know my work. The treasure is still here." Mr. Vollmar then called his son and a helper to his assistance, and the chests were soon opened.

But had we any means arranged for pursuing our flight, and turning this escape to account when out of confinement? All that, I assured him, was provided for long ago. We proceeded, and soon reached the door. We had one crow-bar amongst us, but beyond that had no better weapons than the loose stones found about some new-made graves in the chapel.

Bust up! Yes, the excursion went over again this afternoon, on the 'May Queen' here, an' an' Gran'father went too, an' while Mr. Snider was doin' the 'speriment Orlando Noyes an' two other fellers pried up a place on the wharf with a crow-bar, an' they found the P'fessor down there, he was up to some monkey business, an' they say the whole thing is a fake! Gee! An' that aint all, neither.

Dymock seemed to be so thoroughly astounded, that he could not stir, but Shanty going in, presently returned with a lighted lanthorn, and an iron crow-bar in his hand; "and now," he said, "Mr. Dymock, we shall see to this noise," and they both turned into the out-building, expecting to have to encounter the tall beggar, and with her perhaps, a gang of vagrants.

The magic continued even in Woodstock written as this was almost between the blows of the executioner's crow-bar on the wheel, in the tightening of the windlasses at the rack it is not absent, whatever people may say, in Anne of Geierstein, nor even quite lacking in the better parts of Count Robert of Paris.

But the old, substantial oak stood firm and fast nothing but a crow-bar would break that door. And so he turned to the mullioned window, set in a deep recess. He knew that it was thirty or forty feet above the level of the ground but there was much thick ivy growing on the walls of Normandale Grange, and it might be possible to climb down by its aid.

He emerged from the woods, the railway embankment stood high before him; on the top a man was squatting on the bed of the line busily engaged in something. Semyon commenced quietly to crawl up towards him. He thought it was some one after the nuts which secure the rails. He watched, and the man got up, holding a crow-bar in his hand. He had loosened a rail, so that it would move to one side.

His aspiring feet, taking P in the flank with the purchase of a crow-bar, raised him from the diminutive poop-deck of the pram on which he was standing; but some part of P 's apparel giving way to the weight of his body, told its mute love of gravitation, and desire to prevent any further mischief.

Groome had surrendered to Nature, for she was pounding on her door and in a haughty but quivering voice demanding to be let out. Alexina tiptoed lightly to the threshold of her room and called out sympathetically: "What is the matter, mother dear! Has your door sprung?" "It has. Tell James to come here at once and bring a crow-bar if necessary." "Yes, darling."