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Zaremba, seeing this, was about to make an explanation in a very different key, when Anton, in the harsh raucousness that serves one who is restraining violent profanity, almost whispered: "You will have the goodness, then, Monsieur Zaremba, either to send me, in the morning, reparation to the amount of or stay! shall we, after all, publish those little letters from your friend the Lady of the Dyna "

The virtuoso shook the long hair back from his face, cleared his throat, and murmured, hesitating, peculiarly, after each word: "The thing has several good points." "Points!" Zaremba croaked, scornfully. "Points! It's a masterpiece!" Anton Rubinstein sprang to his feet, oversetting the piano-chair in which he had been sitting. "Well what if it is?" pacing rapidly up and down.

At these words, the smouldering fire in the other's wretched heart leaped up again, and he cried, furiously: "You lie! It is not a masterpiece! Even Zaremba said that every idea in it had been stolen from me! The thing shall never be played until I choose!" "Anton, are you mad? Can you actually heed anything said to you by the jackal who endures your blackmail?

In fine, on the morning of February 15th, a letter and a registered parcel left Moscow for the north, addressed to the Director of the Petersburg Conservatoire: who was at present in a condition of nervous irritability that kept his every pupil in a state of petrified wretchedness throughout the working day. Miserable Ivan! Zaremba too even Zaremba, was in the throes of composition!

Go to Zaremba, if you like, and tell him I sent you for the manuscript. Much good may it do you! Oh, yes, take the thing! Have it played! Hear the fools howl over it and praise it! The day of real greatness is over.

At the dinner, which began at seven o'clock on the night of December 3d, were the directors and one or two of the largest stockholders of the enterprise; together with all the professors, and some dozen of Russia's celebrated musicians and writers. The meal over, Anton Rubinstein, originator of the plan, and Zaremba, his able co-adjutor, made brief speeches.

Letters found upon Lukawski, who boasts of his share in the villany, shows that Pulawski was the head conspirator, and that the plot had been approved by Zaremba and Pac!" "Then all is lost!" murmured Anna. "If the Confederates have sullied the honor of Poland by consenting to crime as a means to work out her independence, Poland will never regain her freedom.

His rendering of the now celebrated barcarolle, had given him an unquestioned place in the salon of the Grand-Duchess, which henceforth he frequented regularly. And there he met with both adulation and opposition. To his secret surprise, Rubinstein, together with his co-adjutor Zaremba, professed great enthusiasm concerning him, and unceasingly urged him to enter the Conservatoire.

Starting back from this, he turned to look about him, and found himself surrounded by shadow-shapes of many that he had known of old: Madame Dravikine, Nicholas, Zaremba, and old Sósha: ay, even pallid Joseph, too, lurking behind a little group of brethren of the spirit: in life unknown; in death beloved.

Moreover, he had, perhaps, secretly pictured himself neglecting his prescribed duties for those musical studies which he had hoped at last to undertake seriously, at the recently founded Conservatoire: perhaps under its founder and chief instructor, the great Rubinstein; at least under the second professor, the worshipful Zaremba, whilom conductor of the opera.