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II. But when King Yahia was slain, his servants and eunuchs and they of his household fled to Juballa, a Castle which was held by a kinsman of the Guazil Abenalfarax, who lay in prison; other some fled to Zaragoza, and told the Cid all that had befallen.

And the King of Zaragoza asked counsel of the Cid how he might get Valencia into his hands, and besought the Cid to help him. But the Cid made answer, how could that be, seeing that Yahia had received it from the hands of King Don Alfonso, who had given it unto him that he might dwell therein.

To the third class, the Virgin of Carmen, of Zaragoza, of Guadaloupe, of Copacabana, of Olivia de la Victoria, of Peñacerada, of Regla, of Cavadoraga, of Montserrat, of Nieves, of Fousanta, of Atocha, and innumerable other places. The Virgin of the Rosary is so called, because it is before her image that her devotees pray the rosary.

And when they who hated the Cid saw this, and knew that the Cid was gone against a Castle near Zaragoza, they besought the King to give them force to go against him; howbeit this the King would not.

XXIV. When the King of Zaragoza saw the letter which Abeniaf and the men of Valencia had sent him, he gave no heed to it, neither cared he for the messenger, neither did he give him even a draught of water for his reward.

"The figure of the island of Java resembles a pig couched on its fore legs, with its snout to the Channel of Balabero,* and its hind legs towards the mouth of the Straits of Sunda, which is much frequented by our ships. After various treaties, signed at Segovia, Seville and Zaragoza, the King of Spain renounced at last, his claim to the Spice Islands, for the sum of 350,000 ducats.

The reception-clerk called the uniformed concierge, and asked: "Did Number 175 leave alone?" "Yes," was the reply. "He caught the early express for Zaragoza. He was going on to Barcelona, he told me. He went in the omnibus." "No one with him?" "Nobody." "When did he arrive?" I asked. "The night before last. He was alone with only a handbag. I charged him with a deposit for his room."

XXVIII. The company of Abeniaf and of his kinsmen despaired now of holding out, and of the help of the King of Zaragoza, or of the Almoravides, and they desired rather to die than endure this misery.

"Now Siguenza is on the direct line from here to the Pyrenees and the French frontier! That telegram may be from Despujol while in flight. If so, the police have set a trap for him at his journey's end, either at Jaca beneath Mont Perdu, or at Pamplona. I wonder if he'll be caught?" "He might go on to Zaragoza and then turn to Barcelona and Marseilles," Hambledon remarked.

And the Moors of the town rejoiced in his good speed, liking him well, because he protected them so well that they were safe from all harm. And my Cid went out again from Zaragoza, and rode over the lands of Monzon and Huerta and Onda and Buenar.