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"Ther' 's places in them alleys 'n' dark holes, Miss Marg'et, like th' openin's to hell, with th' thick smells 'n' th' sights yoh'd see." She went back with a terrible clinging pity to the Gehenna from which she had escaped. The ill of life was real enough to her, a hungry devil down in those alleys and dens.

"Ther' 's places in them alleys 'n' dark holes, Miss Marg'et, like th' openin's to hell, with th' thick smells 'n' th' sights yoh'd see." She went back with a terrible clinging pity to the Gehenna from which she had escaped. The ill of life was real enough to her, a hungry devil down in those alleys and dens.

"I'll make you a New-Year's call," he said, going out; and she called out that she should be sure to expect him. She seemed so strong that Holmes and Mrs. Polston and Margret, who were there, were going home; besides, old Yare said, "I'd like to take care o' my girl alone to-night, ef yoh'd let me," for they had not trusted him before.

The girl turned, revealing a face rosy with cold, and a pair of warm gray eyes fringed in lashes of black, eyes that frankly offered a glimpse of a girl's impulsive heart brimming over with Christmas spirit. Uncle Noah removed the battered fur cap and bowed low with the deference of a Cavalier. "I'se jus' come in to to ask yoh, Miss," he said simply, "if yoh'd like to buy an ol' nigger servant.

Suddenly his brown face glowed with radiance and he drew a long breath of relief. "Job," he said, leaning forward and patting the turkey, "I has it! Yoh'd scarcely believe it, sah, but I'se a-goin' to save yoh." He arose transformed, the despondent droop of his lean body replaced by an alert energy. "Now, Job," he coaxed, "I jus' wants yoh foh to come along wif me peaceable, sah.

The darky nodded and hobbled hurriedly to the wood fire, bending over as he poked it to hide the look of anxiety in his face. "Laws-a-massy, Massa Fairfax," he grumbled in good-natured evasion, "yoh'd mos' freeze to deaf, I reckons, 'thout sendin' foh me" he coughed, and amended hastily: "'thout sendin' foh one ob de servants to pile up dis yere fire."