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Molly still pursued this thing called adulation, and Mrs. Leroy, big-hearted, simple-souled as she was, looked yearningly back on that which was gone. Was this all, then? Was life forever after empty, except as with Mrs. Leroy, of duties that occupied but did not satisfy? And what of women who are neither beauties nor belles? What has life to offer them? A vast depression came over the girl.

And then a third time, more clingingly, more yearningly yet, thrice lighting the fire in his blood with the same straw. Like a vital fire it was left in him at last, a red and white of flame; the two flames forever hostile, and seeking each to burn the other out.

Jane untied the string and laid her half Amulet on the table, littered with dusty papers, and the clay cylinders marked all over with little marks like the little prints of birds' little feet. Robert laid down the whole Amulet, and Anthea gently restrained the eager hand of the learned gentleman as it reached out yearningly towards the 'perfect specimen'.

"Sublime if it's done with spontaneity, with passion; ridiculous if it's done 'after further reflexion. As you said, perfectly, a while ago, it isn't a thing to reason about." "Ah what a help you'd be to me in diplomacy!" Peter yearningly cried. "Will you give me a year to consider?" "Would you trust me for a year?" "Why not, if I'm ready to trust you for life?"

After I get through, and get quit of the masks, I'll eat good, and be as I was. I just get sick with the dope on the mask, that's all. I'll get right on now." He laid aside his pipe and passed out of the kitchen. And, as he went, the woman's eyes gazed yearningly after him. Steve had lit his lamp. It burned up. It flooded the great store-room with its rank light.

Sink or swim, but you've got clear water to do it in. I'll hang around make my city headquarters with you; lend myself to you; but for the rest I'm going to do exactly what I want to do for a time." Cameron regarded his uncle as the young often do the older yearningly, covetously, tenderly. "I I think I understand about Miss Fletcher, Uncle Dave," he said. "I had hoped you did, boy.

Loretta went to a place with a glass Cover on it and had herself photoed in many a striking Posture. With the Chin tilted to show the full crop of Cervical Vertebrae and her Search Lights aimed yearningly at the top of the Singer Building, she had herself kidded into believing that she was a certified Replica of Elsie Ferguson.

My husband is away, but in a day of two he will be able to get news to your brother. I'll take care of you till they come." The woman arose gratefully, then swayed unsteadily under the weight of the child. Maarda's arms were flung out, yearningly, longingly, towards the baby.

"Just this once," she murmured yearningly "only this once;" and as she strove and wrestled inwardly, it seemed as if two figures stole silently to her side and stood with earnest eyes watching the weary battle. "I'll never do it again," she muttered, "but only to say good-bye;" and at this the dark figure smiled triumphantly, while the white, spotless one listened with saddening eyes.

And sun and stars do but move to this end, Signora that human souls may be born and die to live, in oneness with Love. Oh, my brethren" he stretched out his arms yearningly, and his eyes and his voice were full of tears "why do ye haggle in the market-place? Why do ye lay up store of gold and silver? Why do ye chase the futile shadows of earthly joy?