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You will be doing the greatest kindness if you can keep them apart, and avoid a scandal if possible." "My dear Crow, I have never heard of your being so thoroughly unsympathetic before." "And I have never heard of Hector being really in love before, and with an angel, too deuced dangerous folk at the best of times!" "Then there are mother and Morella Winmarleigh to be counted with."

There was a cackly tone in her voice, especially when raised above the din of the music, which was peculiarly irritating to sensitive ears. Hector felt he hated her. Anne still kept her hand on his arm, and flight was hopeless. Just then a Royalty passed with their hostess, and claimed Lady Anningford's attention, so Hector was left sole guardian of Morella Winmarleigh.

"Neither of them can see beyond their noses. Miss Winmarleigh is sure of him, she thinks and your mother, too." "No; mother has her doubts." "They will both be anti?" "Extremely anti." "To get back to facts, then, your plan is to assist your brother to see this 'angel, and smooth the path to the final catastrophe." "You worry me, Crow. Why should there be a catastrophe?" "Is she a young woman?"

They will make a handsome pair, won't they he and Miss Winmarleigh?" "Very," said Theodora, listlessly, with an air of dragging her thoughts from the music with difficulty, while she suddenly felt sick and cold. "And are they to be married soon?" "I don't know exactly; but it has been going on for years, and we all look upon it as a settled thing. She is always about with his mother."

Josiah had been joined by Sir Patrick, and they were earnestly conversing by the fireplace. One or two pairs sat about on the sofas; but the general company showed signs of flocking off to the bridge-tables, which were laid out in another drawing-room beyond. And the couples joined them gradually, until only Lord Wensleydown and Morella Winmarleigh remained near and watched them with mocking eyes.

She would like Anne, he said, and his mother would love her, he knew. And again the impossible vision same to him, and he felt he hated the face of Morella Winmarleigh. Usually when he had been greatly attracted by a married woman before, he had unconsciously thought of her as having the qualities which would make her an adorable mistress, a delicious friend, or a holiday amusement.

She, too, disapproved of Paris and bachelorhood, but she did not love Morella Winmarleigh. "Oh, you think so, Streatfield?" Lady Bracondale exclaimed, in a worried voice. "Now that we have got him back we must take great care of him. His lordship will join me at the opera. Are you sure he likes those aigrettes in my hair?" "Why, it's one of his lordship's favorite styles, my lady.

Her grief and disappointment over Hector's departure from England had passed away by now, as so had her treasured dream of receiving Morella Winmarleigh as a daughter. But Anne whispered to her that she need not worry forever, and some day soon her brother might choose a bride whom even she would love. Hector had continued his wanderings over the world for many months after Josiah's death.

How would he be able to follow the rules he had laid down for himself during his week of meditations in Paris alone? "You see, dear Lady Bracondale," Morella Winmarleigh had been saying, "Hector knows that woman with the pearls. He is sitting talking to her now." "Hector knows every one, Morella. Lend me your glasses, mine do not seem to work to-night.

Her features were regular, and her complexion, if somewhat all too red, was fresh withal; so that, possessing an income of many thousands, she passed for a beauty of exceptional merit. She had a good maid who used her fingers dexterously, and did what she could with a mistress devoid of all sense of form or color. Miss Winmarleigh went to the opera regularly and sat solidly through it.