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She was, however, soon quieted by the caresses of the animal, who, in return for a service rendered her, showed every sign of affection and friendliness. She never returned from searching after her own daily subsistence without laying a portion of it at the feet of Maldonata, until her whelps being strong enough to walk abroad, she took them out with her and never returned.

It transpired during breakfast that Uncle Pennyman's peace had been disturbed by a verse in the book of Nahum, that talked about the lions and lionesses, and their whelps and prey, in what appeared to him a mysterious manner. Mr.

They had inflamed his boyish conceit by allowing him to pick out two cards in succession, and with small bets. "I hain't got but $40 left o' my bounty and first month's pay," said little Pete irresolutely, "and I wanted to send $35 of it home to mother, but I'll " "You'll do nothin' o' the kind," shouted Shorty, bursting through the bushes. "You measly whelps, hain't you a grain o' manhood left?

At least such a dog is the crest of the martial and renowned Earls of Shrewsbury, to whom your family are probably blood relations. 'I believe, said the Colonel, smiling, 'our dogs are whelps of the same litter: for my part, if crests were to dispute precedence, I should be apt to let them, as the proverb says, "fight dog, fight bear."

A correspondent has kindly supplied the following information: "When in Oude in India, twenty-six years ago, we heard of several instances of native babies being carried off out of the villages by she-wolves, and placed with their whelps, and brought up wild there; there was one about when we were there, partially reclaimed, but retaining much of the savage nature imbibed with the wolf's milk, and having been accustomed to go on all-fours i.e., knees and elbows; but I conclude these were not affected with 'Lycanthropy."

They have, however, some charity for the females that have whelps. As for other dogs, they feed them well, and give them good words, but never touch them nor go near them, because dogs are regarded as unclean animals. They particularly drive them away in wet weather; for, if one drop of water from a dog should fall on their raiment, their devotion would be interrupted and useless.

"What would ye be, then? Woodmen? Verderers?" "Nay, soldiers," they cried both together. "By the beard of my father! but ye are whelps of the true breed. Why so keen, then, to be soldiers?" "That we may fight the Scots," they answered. "Daddy will send us to fight the Scots." "And why the Scots, my pretty lads?

"There wasn't any cow at all, 'cept me!" he proclaimed, his voice ringing with triumph. The Passing of the Black Whelps A lopsided, waning moon, not long risen, looked over the ragged crest of the ridge, and sent long shadows down the sparsely wooded slope.

The servitor went with an air of profound abasement, which changed into a look of complicated amusement when he got out of sight. "He is quite safe," said the princess, "not that I count much on his fear, for he is as brave as a she-wolf with whelps, and fears nothing, but I know he likes me." "I think he likes me too," said Branwen, thoughtfully.

Away with you," and she seized a stick to drive off the poor woman. Now, it was the turn of the beggar to answer back. Both had lost their temper, and the two angry women seemed more like she-bears robbed of their whelps. "Heaven punish you, you wicked, cruel, cold-hearted woman," cried the mother. Her two babies were almost choking her in their eagerness for food.