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"Had you spoken out before this, I verily believe the Nashville Convention had not been thought of. Your speech has disarmed and quieted the South." Webster's speech caused hesitation in the South. Ames cites nearly a store of issues of newspapers in Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia reflecting the change in public opinion in March.

Much fault has been found, as has been said, both at the time and since, with Mr. Webster's change of position on this question. It has been held up as a monument of inconsistency, and as indicating a total absence of deep conviction. That Mr.

That scoundrel has been associating with a nigger, and eating at his house ever since he has been here." "Yes, yes, and we'll be d d if he isn't an abolitionist," joined in a dozen voices, "for he dined at Bill Webster's last Sunday on a wild-turkey. Nobody but an infernal abolitionist would dine with a nigger."

Then drawing very close to her brother's side, she added bashfully: "I can't but think, Martin, that instead of puttin' up walls, Ellen Webster's will has broken some of 'em down." For answer Martin did something he had never done before within the span of his memory; he bent impulsively and kissed his sister's cheek. Then as if embarrassed by the spontaneity of the deed, he sped upstairs.

But isn't it wonderful that our entire Camp Fire unit is to go to France for the reclamation work? I thought when Mrs. Burton offered me the opportunity last summer that I should go alone." Within the past months Vera Lagerloff had also changed, but the transformation was unlike Bettina Graham's. After Billy Webster's death in California Vera had made astonishingly little open protest.

Your government, your courts, your lawyers, your clergymen, your schools and your poor, do not all cost you so much as one paltry article which does you little or no good but is as destructive of your lives as fire and brimstone." Noah Webster's Collection of Essays, pp. 137-139. The evil was beginning to be recognized in all its danger.

Good-naturedly as he had done everything, but relentlessly, he dragged his victim over the way, and direct to the Western Union office of the hotel "Webster's Union" he preferred to call it. His first telegram read: "Rex Fairfax got me drunk. Don't blame him. It's natural to him." That one was confiscated, Strong complaining gently that his friend was all "fads."

As for Stephen's baby, there wasn't any word in Webster's Dictionary to do him justice. He grew fat and fair, his nose became shapely, his dimple was deeper, his chin double, and his pretty hands began to grasp at everything. Stephen said the only drawback was that his hair would be red. Hanny felt curiously teased about it.

The comparatively harmless outcome of this convention, in June, led earlier historians to underestimate the danger of the resistance movement in February and March when backed by legislatures, newspapers, and public opinion, before the effect was felt of the death of Calhoun and Taylor, and of Webster's support of conciliation.

The exact process of mind by which these hitherto harmless citizens are converted into assassins is to a great extent hidden from us. Perhaps Webster's case is the clearest of the three. Here we have a selfish, self-indulgent and spendthrift gentleman who has landed himself in serious financial embarrassment, seeking by murder to escape from an importunate and relentless creditor.