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"'Keep them little, then, said he. 'Permit them not to become full-blown. "'And the bow, monsieur the bit of ribbon? "'Va pour le ruban! was the propitious answer. "And so we settled it." That is good; and when Lucy presents the watchguard it is better still. "He looked at the box: I saw its clear and warm tint, and bright azure circlet, pleased his eyes. I told him to open it.

The funeral services were conducted by a Spanish priest with the impressive rites of the Catholic Church; and after a military salute had been fired over the grave, sentinels were placed to guard it, for the Spanish nobleman was buried in full regalia. A gold watch studded with diamonds was in his pocket; diamonds were on his fingers; and valuable seals were attached to his watchguard.

He was dressed in approved English fashion, as a man of leisure, wore a massive watchguard across his buff summer waistcoat, and carried a silver-headed cane. "You are taking a little walk," he said, with a very slight foreign accent. "If you will let me walk with you a little way I shall be honoured. The Park? A delightful day for the Park!

He asked at what I was working; and I said I was making a watchguard. He asked, 'For whom? And I answered, 'For a gentleman one of my friends."

Browning thought was perhaps because he habitually wore no sort of trinket or ornament, not even a watchguard, and might therefore turn out to be a safe challenge. He had never before worn them in Florence or elsewhere, and had found them in some old drawer where they had lain forgotten for years.

Light gloves, a cane, and oh, bitter drop in the cup of joy! an ignominious straw hat, not to mention a choice floweret in the buttonhole, and a festoon of watchguard below, finished off this impressive boy. 'How's that for style? he asked, appearing to his mother and cousins whom he was to escort to the hall on this particular occasion.

The next comer was a gentleman in a shirt emblazoned with pink anchors, who was closely followed by a pale youth with a plated watchguard. The arrival of a prim personage in clean linen and cloth boots rendered the party complete.

If ever they do regain Venetia it will be through the blood of our Brandenburghers and Pomeranians, and not their own. During this tirade a little old Belgian in black, with the chain of St. Peter at his buttonhole by way of watchguard, capered off to communicate the grateful news to a group of his ecclesiastical fellow-travellers, shrieking out in ecstasy: 'Rosses, Messieurs!

I think at all events my wife never forgave me and that it was a real shock to her to find she had married a man who had very much the same taste in literature as in cookery. But you're a man of general culture, a man of the world," said M. de Mauves, turning to Longmore but looking hard at the seal of his watchguard.

Blyth's bureau, from the watchguard to which it was fastened, took off on his wax a perfect impression of the whole key from the pipe to the handle, attached it again to the sleeper's watchguard, pared away the rough ends of the piece of wax till it fitted into an old tin tobacco-box which he took from the chimney-piece, pocketed this box, and then quietly resumed his original place at the table.