Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Before the door stood the two men who were distributing voting-papers. Tired with their day's work, they were leaning against the paling in front of the tavern. One of them, employed by the conservatives, was a superannuated farm labourer from the manor; the socialist was an invalided stonemason, who had lost a leg in consequence of a fall from some scaffolding.

Then, as Florent protested, he continued: "Yes, yes; you are an artist in your own way; you dream of politics, and I'll wager you spend hours here at night gazing at the stars and imagining they are the voting-papers of infinity.

He stood stiffly by the table looking at the box that contained the voting-papers; suddenly his erect figure seemed to collapse, and the old man slunk out of the polling-station almost like an evil-doer. The results of the election were known in the village by seven o'clock.

Voting-papers were given to twenty-five picked men after he had finished, and Thornton was elected President by fourteen votes to eleven.

We hold the suffrage in honor, and it is the suffrage that is to reform society. If once one begins to meddle with the voting-papers! "But that isn't necessary in the least! The people aren't really clear as to what they are doing you can't expect any quickness of perception from them! You could demand a fresh vote if I could first have a talk with them about the campaign!"

Then they all smoked, and the smoke set a kind of mist around the yellow light from the lamps, whilst on the floor trailed all the spoilt voting-papers thrown away during the polling; indeed, quite a layer of dirty paper, together with corks, breadcrumbs, and a few broken plates. The heels of those seated at the table disappeared amidst this litter.

I did so, and for the space of an hour and a half I solicited the patronage of innumerable tarry mariners, until their horny hands had filled up the voting-papers and my own smelt to heaven of fish.

He called out the names inscribed upon the voting-papers, which were passed to him in little packets, while the scrutineers, on sheets of paper prepared for the purpose, noted each successive vote that each candidate obtained.

They were chatting together in a friendly fashion, notwithstanding the antagonism of their employers. The one-legged man did not even give himself the trouble to offer Vogt one of his voting-papers. Everybody knew old Vogt. The blood of an old soldier ran in his veins, he was conservative to the bone.

'The corn and the cattle are all my care, And the rest is the will of God. Why should such folk look up from their immemorially appointed round of duty and interests to meddle with the unknown and fuss with voting-papers. How would you, atop of all your interests care to conduct even one-tenth of your life according to the manners and customs of the Papuans, let's say? That's what it comes to."