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But I have already explained the theoretical basis of natural hygiene, the key role of toxemia, enervation, constipation, the essentials of good diet, fasting and colon cleansing, the importance of regular exercise, and the rational for vitamin supplementation. I have revealed a lot of the secrets in my bag of tricks, like my favorite herbs, poultices and wheat grass.

Vitamin C can be put directly in the eye in a dilute solution with distilled water for infections and injuries, in the ear for ear infections, and in the nose for sinus infections. Applied directly on the skin C in solution makes a very effective substitute for sun screen. It doesn't filter out ultraviolet, it beefs up the skin to better deal with the insult.

Swift went on, showed promise of producing enormous amounts of protein quickly and cheaply enough to increase the world's food supply by a sizable margin. Moreover, he had isolated a vitamin in this protein not found in any of man's present foods. "Doc Simpson has been working with me," Mr. Swift concluded.

Unfortunately, these vitamin compounders can not put every possibly beneficial substance in a single bottle of tablets. The main reason they do not is fear of the power-grabbing Food and Drug Administration.

I don't want to see hide nor hair of you again until you need your next haircut. Understand?" Jerry understood. He realized that getting bills changed at the barbershop was over. Jerry was not his usual buoyant self over the weekend. His mother thought he might be getting a cold and gave him vitamin pills and made him drink extra orange juice.

This agency is threatening constantly to remove certain of the most useful life-extending substances from the vitamin trade and make them the exclusive property of prescription-writing medical doctors. So far, public pressure has been mobilized against the FDA every time action was threatened and has not permitted this.

One can never tell whether an ape is diseaseless or not. It is generally unlawful to substitute our human glands, and, even though they could be readily obtained, they are apt to be infected with some disease. The essential element of foods is the vitamin, a nitrogenous substance of indeterminate nature.

This is a monodiet of fairly substantial quantities of either well-cooked green beans or well-cooked zucchini, the choice between these two foods depending on the acid-base balance of the blood. I also put him on heavy vitamin support and protomorphogens for his desperate immune system. While on the Bieler fast he did daily enemas at home.

Vitamin A 5,000 iu Taurine 500 mg B-1 250 mg Cyctine 200 mg B-2 50 mg Gluthaianone 15 mg B-3 niacinamid 850 mg Choline 650 mg B-5 750 mg Inositol 250 mg B-6 200 mg Flavanoids 500 mg B-12 100 mcg Zinc 35 mg PABA 50 mg Chromium 100 mcg Folic Acid 500 mcg Molybdenum 123 mg Biotin 200 mcg Manganese 5 mg Vitamin E 600 iu Co-Enzyme Q-10 60 mg Magnesium 1,000 mg DMAE 100 mg

For with greater age and experience does really come greater wisdom. I have long felt that the biggest problem with Earth is that we did not live long enough. Vitamin Program For The Sick However, most people do not do anything about their health until forced to by some painful condition.