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Then Gandhari and the learned Vidura beholding that frightful omen, represented everything, in great affliction, unto the king. 'Thou wicked-minded Duryodhana, thou wretch, destruction hath all ready overtaken thee when thou insultest in language such as this the wife of these bulls among the Kurus, especially their wedded wife Draupadi.

Bhishma has ascended to Heaven. Vidura and Sanjaya also will accompany thee to the forest. Who else, therefore, than thee will teach me? Those instructions which thou imparted today, desirous of doing good to me, I shall certainly follow, O lord of Earth. Be thou assured of this, O king." And he said, "Cease, O son, great has been my toil."

Therefore, O Vidura, go whither-so-ever thou pleasest. A wife that is unchaste, however well-treated, forsaketh her husband yet. The hearts of kings are, indeed, very fickle. Granting protection at first, they strike with clubs at last. But consider that he is a child who having first accepted one for a friend, subsequently findeth fault with him.

Therefore, O sire, do that according to thy own judgment by which thy grandsons may all live in amity with one another." Thou shouldst then address Vidura also, that adviser of the Kurus, saying. "Counseleth peace, O amiable one, from desire of doing good unto Yudhishthira."

Valhika and Dhritarashtra and Somadatta and Jayadratha, brought thither by Nakula, went about, enjoying themselves as lords of the sacrifice. Vidura otherwise called Kshatta, conversant with every rule of morality, became the disburser. Duryyodhana became the receiver of the tributes that were brought by the kings.

He, on the other hand, who, by good offices, winneth over persons endued with good qualities, even if he beareth aversion of them within his heart, enjoyeth prosperity and fame for ever and ever. Defiled by wickedness, all this food, therefore, deserveth not to be eaten by me. The food supplied by Vidura alone, should, I think, be eaten by me.

"Vidura said, 'O Ajatasatru, Dhritarashtra called me, his dependant, before him and honouring me duly said, 'Things have fared thus. Now, do thou tell me what is good for the Pandavas as well as for me. I pointed out what was beneficial to both the Kauravas and Dhritarashtra. But what I said was not relished by him, nor could I hit upon any other course.

Thou art old, and they are children to thee in years, behave as father towards them, that are disposed to pay thee filial regard." "Duryodhana said, 'All that Vidura hath said about Krishna, hath indeed, been truly said; for Janardana is greatly devoted to the Pandavas and can never be separated from them.

When my troops will drag by the aid of their mighty arms the Pandavas in battle, like hunters dragging a herd of deer by a net, or whirlpools drawing a crewless boat, then the sons of Pandu, beholding us their foe, supported by crowds and cars and elephants, will give up their pride, and not they alone but Kesava also. Hearing this, Vidura said, 'Venerable persons of infallible knowledge say that in this world self-restraint is highly beneficial.

"Vidura said, 'In this connection is cited the old story of the discourse between the son of Atri and the deities called Sadhyas is as heard by us. The Sadhyas said, "We are, O great Rishi, deities known as Sadhyas. Beholding thee, we are unable to guess who thou art.