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"Solebat enim me pungere, ne Sampsicerami merita in patriam ad annos DC majora viderentur, quam nostra." To Atticus, ii. 17. "Pompeius nobis amicissimus esse constat." To Atticus, i. 13. "Non jucunda miseris, inanis improbis, beatis non grata, bonis non gravis. Itaque frigebat." To Atticus, i. 14. "Metellus non homo, sed litus atque aer, et solitudo mera." To Atticus, i. 18.

The original title of the book was The Accuser, to wit, something which might censure the vain passions and erring tendencies of mankind, "at post mutato nomine, et in tres libellos diviso, de Consolatione eum inscripsimus, quod longe magis infelices consolatione, quam fortunati reprehensione, indigere viderentur."

Another grand ceremonial occasion, when flowers were specially in request, was the Fontinalia, an important day in Rome, for the wells and fountains were crowned with flowers: "Fontinalia festus erat dies Romae, quo in fontes coronas projiciebant, puteosque coronabant, ut a quibus pellucidos liquores at restinguendam sitim acciperent, iisdem gratiam referre hoc situ viderentur."

Ultro quin etiam erupere: et fuit atrox in ipsia portarum angustiis proelium, donec pulsi hostes; utroque exercitu certante, his, ut tulisse opem, illis, ne eguisse auxilio viderentur. Quod nisi paludes et silvae fugientes texissent, debellatum illa victoria foret.