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To be sure, I felt badly enough that day in October when I left it. When the train left Valleyfield I just cried like a baby. Alicia and Roger welcomed me very heartily, and after the first week of homesickness I shiver yet when I think of it was over, I settled down to my new life as if I had been born to it.

I'm down in the very depths already." "What do you mean to do now?" said Alicia scornfully. "Go back to Valleyfield and marry that starving country doctor of yours, I suppose?" I flared up then; Alicia might abuse me all she liked, but I wasn't going to hear a word against Jack. "Yes, I will, if he'll have me," I said, and I marched out of the room and upstairs, with my head very high.

But after a while Jack and I adjusted ourselves to the change in each other and became very good friends again. It was quite a different friendship from the old, but it was very pleasant. Yes, it was; I will admit that much. I was provoked at Jack's determination to settle down for life in Valleyfield, a horrible, humdrum, little country village.

The writer has a very clear recollection of a long conversation which he had at that time with Tarte. Much of it was given up to picturesque and forthright denunciation by Tarte of the means by which he had been defeated in Beauharnois. The mill-owners at Valleyfield, he said, had lined up their operatives and had given them the option of voting for Bergeron or getting out.

The boat is but a few moments in reaching the Valleyfield, and, when they are on board, the vessel weighs anchor, and ruffles her white plumage, and flings her pennons to the breeze, and begins to dash the blue water into foam about her prow. Violet and her husband are standing at the stern, and as long as the vessel is in sight they wave their hands in token of farewell.

It is but a short time, and then the Valleyfield grows into a mere dot on the horizon, and Eva and Julian, heedless of the crowds around them, do not check the tears as they flow, and speak to each other in voices broken by sorrow as they slowly turn away.

Of the 157 mills in existence when the census of 1901 was taken, 28 had disappeared before 1908, and several of the 129 that remained were closed either permanently or temporarily. The value of the woollen goods produced in 1908 did not exceed seven million dollars. The cotton industry, which is well organised and financially strong, has its largest centres at Montreal and Valleyfield, Quebec.

"And, oh, Jack, I've so many questions to ask I don't know where to begin. Tell me all the Thrush Hill and Valleyfield news, tell me everything that has happened since I left. How many people have you killed off? And, oh, why didn't you come to see me before?" "I didn't think I should be wanted, Kitty," Jack answered quietly.

"Don't forget to call any time you are in Montreal," she said more sweetly than ever. "I am sure Katherine will always be glad to see any of her old friends, although some of her new ones are proving very absorbing one, in especial. Don't blush, Katherine, I am sure Mr. Willoughby won't tell any tales out of school to your old Valleyfield friends." I was not blushing, and I was furious.

But I didn't care. I just laughed, and we sat down together and had a long, delightful, chummy talk. Jack told me all the Valleyfield gossip, not forgetting to mention that Mary Carter was going to be married to a minister in June. Jack didn't seem to mind it a bit, so I guess he couldn't have been particularly interested in Mary.