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The moor was before her, rising and falling in low unwooded hills, amber with dwarf goldenrod, red with the turning huckleberry, purple with drying grasses; green with a thousand lovely growing things still unpainted by the brush of autumn. The color was almost unbelievably gorgeous.

Halfway up the unwooded part of the hill, it stopped and made plaintive, high-pitched noises. Other creatures came. Many had come while the man and girl were too absorbed to notice. Now two more of the large animals came out into the open and climbed the hill. Babs said shakily: "Do you think they'll do you think " There was a nearer roaring.

The caribou I am speaking of now are all woodland caribou larger, finer animals every way than the barren-ground caribou of the desolate unwooded regions farther north. In summer they live singly, rearing their young in deep forest seclusions. There each one does as he pleases.

The sugar-cane is planted in the island of Cuba in the rainy season, from July to October; and the harvest is gathered from February to May. In proportion as by too rapid clearing the island has become unwooded, the sugar-houses have begun to want fuel.

Supposing a rain-fall of four inches, an area measuring 100,000 acres, or a little more than four American townships, would receive 53,777,777 cubic yards of water. Of this quantity it would retain, or rather detain, if wooded, 41,000,000 yards, if bare, only 11,000,000. The difference of discharge from wooded and unwooded soils is perhaps exaggerated in Col.

Large plantations, each containing several thousand young pine-trees of the American species, are seen, covering gentle slopes, and many broad acres of level land, where the government is endeavoring to establish artificial forests throughout wide reaches of unwooded country. These trees grow more rapidly here even than in their native soil.

A few hundred feet up The Mountain's side was a dark, deep dell, unwooded, save for a few spindling, crazy looking hackmatacks or native larches, with pallid green tufts sticking out fantastically all over them.

The ABSOLUTE humidity of the air in the forest is about the same as in open ground, while the RELATIVE humidity is greater in the former than in the latter case, on account of the lower temperature of the atmosphere in the wood, p. 150. The evaporation from an exposed surface of water in the forest is sixty-four per cent. less than in unwooded grounds, pp. 159,161.

Buffeted by the wind, the grey uniforms pale under a glaze of sleet, the red of the colours the only gleam of cheer, the line crawled over a long hill, icy, unwooded, swept by the shrieking wind. Stafford in passing exchanged greetings with several of the mounted officers.

Now one such group of valleys there was, hill above hill, forest above forest, and beyond it a great noble range, unwooded and high against heaven, guarding it, which I for my part knew when first I knew anything of this world. In those valleys is the proper off-set for man. And so there was. It was a little place which had grown up as my county grows. The house throwing out arms and layers.