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But he's got his share of mischief, that same lad." "He wants to be Felicity's beau," said Dan slyly. "Don't talk silly nonsense, Dan," said Aunt Janet severely. Felicity tossed her golden head and shot an unsisterly glance at Dan. "I wouldn't be very likely to have a hired boy for a beau," she observed. We saw that her anger was real, not affected.

Mary is much too young and so on, and so forth. But I see no reason for waiting. 'Surely there are reasons financial reasons. Mr. Hammond cannot be in a position to begin housekeeping. 'Oh, they will risk all that. Molly is a daring girl. He proposed to her on the top of Helvellyn, in a storm of wind and rain. 'And she never wrote me a word about it. How very unsisterly!

Mary was not so repulsive and unsisterly as Elizabeth, nor so inaccessible to all influence of hers; neither was there anything among the other component parts of the cottage inimical to comfort.

Had you shown a little mercy, the crisis might have terminated favourably. As it is, we are undone. You do not deserve to know the place of my retreat. Your unsisterly heart will prompt you to intercept rather than to aid or connive at my flight. Fly I must; whither, it is pretty certain, will never come to your knowledge. Farewell."

"If he asks me, I'm to turn and walk off, or I'm to say, 'No, sir, I am under strict orders from my marriageable sisters not to. Is that what you mean?" "Eve," they both cried in chorus, "don't be unsisterly; don't put a stumbling-block in our path; rather remove it!" "I shall not bind myself to such a promise!" cried Eve. "You are trying to spoil my pet scheme.

Abroad everything is done, even studying music, under an assumed name, but one does not go on the stage." "Marcia is a fool," says Laura, with most unsisterly decision. "Well, about your mother. You think I may write. I trespassed upon your hospitality so long " "Oh, whatever should I have done without you! And there is another funny thing," says Laura irrelevantly. "Mrs.

Oh! how I rejoice at her exceeding unkindness! How warmly I forgive her the unsisterly to say the least vindictiveness of her unaccountable conduct! Her sufferings will one day be terrible. Good little Andrew supplies her place to me. Why do you refuse his easily afforded bounty? No one need know of it. I tell you candidly, I take double, and the small good punch of a body is only too delighted.

Dahlia cannot be a coward. I begin to see." Rhoda threw up her face, and sat awhile as one who was reading old matters by a fresh light. "I can't think," she said, with a start. "Have I been dreadfully cruel? Was I unsisterly? I have such a horror of some things disgrace. And men are so hard on women; and father I felt for him. And I hated that base man. It's his cousin and his name!

Indifferent persons, judging of us two from what you say, would either think me a very artful creature, or you a very spiteful one You are indeed a very artful one, for that matter, interrupted she in a passion: one of the artfullest I ever knew! And then followed an accusation so low! so unsisterly!

"You wonder what I was weeping for, when you awoke, Christine. I had met with no sorrow; but when I looked at you, the course of conduct I had pursued towards you came up before me vividly: I felt how unsisterly I had been " "Say nothing about it," interrupted Christine, with delicate generosity, "let the past be forgotten, the future shall be all brightness, dearest Ann.