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And yet the boat is not empty. Seven human forms are seen within it, six of them living, and one dead. Of the living, four are full-grown men; three of them white, the fourth of an umber-brown, or bistre colour.

A half-dozen spectators were already gathered. Among them I could not but notice a tall, spare, broad-shouldered young fellow dressed in a quiet business suit, somewhat wrinkled, whose square, strong, clean-cut face and muscular hands were tanned by the weather to a dark umber-brown. In another moment I looked down on the jam.

It occurs in the greatest profusion on this coast, in every pool between tide-marks; and everywhere except in those of the highest level, where constant exposure to light dwarfs the plant, and turns it of a dull umber-brown tint it is elegant in form and brilliant in colour.

The tiger lily, too, rose here and there like a sturdy queen of beauty with its great terra cotta petals, specked with umber-brown.

The popples, shining silvery, were almost bare of leaves, but the scrub oaks clung tenaciously to a crackling umber-brown foliage. It was now near the close of the afternoon. The game bag was empty. Both boys trod on eggs, scrutinizing every inch of the ground before them. "It's too late for 'em," whispered Bobby in discouragement. "There's not enough sun. They've gone in to feed."