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After dinner he tried to read a little, but could not, growing more and, more angry. When ten o'clock struck he seized his cane, a formidable oak stick, which he was accustomed to carry in his nocturnal walks when visiting the sick. And he smiled at the enormous club which he twirled in a threatening manner in his strong, country fist.

Tou not only mean well you have done well. But it's a lie, Bainton! it's all a wicked, damnable lie!" He sprang to his feet as he said this, the wrath in his eyes flashing a steel-like lightning. "It's a lie!" he repeated "Do you understand? A cruel, abominable lie!" Bainton twirled his cap sympathetically. "So it be, Passon," he murmured "So it be I know'd that all along!

"I'll bring you an emerald hollowed out for a reliquary if I think on't." Within-doors, in the Triple Tun's best room, where much sherris sack was being drunk, a gentleman with a long face, and mustachios twirled to a point, leaned his arm upon the table and addressed him whose pledge had been so general. "Armida gardens and silver-singing mermaiden and Aphrodite England quotha!

One could hardly associate the thought of murder with the very prosperous looking gentleman, who so calmly faced them and twirled his eyeglasses between his fingers. "Why should that idea have occurred to you?" the Senator asked again.

Really your cheque will be a god-send to me. I seem to have had nothing but expenses lately, and Jeanne's guardians are as mean as they can be. They grumble even at allowing me five thousand a year." De Brensault twirled his moustache as he seated himself at the table. "Five thousand a year," he muttered. "It is not a bad allowance for a young girl who is not yet of age."

Satterlee, with much hemming and hawing, stated the business which had brought them, while Cynthia looked out of the window. Mr. Graves sat and twirled his lean thumbs. He went so far as to say that he admired a young woman who scorned to live in idleness, who wished to impart the learning with which she had been endowed.

I was in consultation with Langley last night, and we have decided we are in a position now to go ahead as we first planned over a year ago. The opposition in Washington has been deflected. Besides, Langley dug up a point of law." Gard rose and crossed to Denning. His manner was quietly conversational, and he twirled his pince-nez absently.

They clashed wildly against each other; they heaved, and boiled, and hissed, and threw great clouds of spray high into the air; they formed deep whirlpools, which twisted and twirled, and broke into a thousand eddies, and then plunged deep down into rocky caverns beneath, or laid bare the bottom of the sea.

This was her third encore, but, as wildly grotesque as ever, her full skirts shimmering in the glare of the foot-lights, her tripping feet barely touching the sanded floor, her young, supple figure, light as a fairy, weaving in the perfect rhythm of music, the tireless child of Mexico leaped and spun, wheeled and twirled, at times apparently floated upon the very air, her bare white arms extended, her wonderful eyes blazing from the exhilaration of this moment of supreme triumph.

"She has," the son replied, scarcely knowing how to continue. Dr. Merrick twirled his thumbs once more, with outward calm, for a minute or two. This was most inconvenient in a professional family. "And I understand you to say," he went on in a pitiless voice, "Miss Barton's state of health is such that you think it advisable to remove her at once for her confinement, to Italy?"